    Do you subscribe to the newspaper? What do enjoy reading the most?

    I like reading the comics, letters to the editor, obituaries and latest breaking news stories. What do you like to read?

    +10  Views: 700 Answers: 9 Posted: 9 years ago

    9 Answers

    I don't subscribe, but can get a free copy four days a week at school, so do enjoy scanning the front page, reading the national and local briefs.  My favorite pages are the ones with Dear Abby, Scrabble, Sudoku, Jumble, and the Crossword Puzzle.  I do look at the obituaries. 

    country bumpkin

    I still look up my hometown obituaries online a couple of times a week to see if anyone I know has passed away.

    It's not funny how the people dying nowadays are so much closer to my age now than, say, 30 years ago!
    country bumpkin

    I know of three people in 2015 who died who attended school with me. I feel a frog in my throat when I see someone close to my age who has died. You are correct, not funny at all.

    I only buy a newspaper on Saturdays, I read it from front to back. Every other day I catch up with the news on the web, and then on television during the evening.

    country bumpkin

    Is the Saturday newspaper the largest edition in the UK? In the USA the Sunday paper is the largest so many people read the paper on Sunday only.

    I think the Sunday papers are the larger papers in the UK as well, I buy the Saturday paper because if I don't have time to read it all on a Saturday, I can always finish it on the Sunday.

    I do not read the newspaper anymore but when I did, it was the comics, the front page news (both world and local), and Dear Abby.

    country bumpkin

    Dear Abby is a must read! :)

    We had a subscription until what Mary paid for ran out. I read the front page and the gossip sections, clip recipes on Wed and then recycle it.....

    country bumpkin

    Good ole Austin news! :)

    The American Statesman

    I haven't bought a paper in is where I get my reading news.

    country bumpkin

    I would have thought you to be the type to buy the daily newspaper and read it with your morning coffee. :)

    I do still subscribe but I think I will soon cancel, after getting newspaper delivery for decades. I find that I can read it all online, even our local news, about 2 days before the newspaper carries it. I read everything.

    country bumpkin

    ...and no news papers cluttering up space waiting to be recycled.

    Moderator more newspapers to put down on a counter/table know, that kind of stuff. :)

    Saturday and sunday paper only, Venny reads them from front to back then gives them to next door neighbour ..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..  Image result for sunday and saturday papers Aussie photo 

    country bumpkin

    What a nice little gesture towards your next door neighbour

    No, but I read a few in the public library. The New York Times, Sunday edition is my favorite. It has many sections.

    country bumpkin

    I would like to read the New York Times for the purpose of nostalgia..

    Only the Tunbridge Wells Courier,anybody whoes anybody reads it,


    Yes I have heard that, old chap what what what.
    country bumpkin

    You must be Somebody!!! :)

    Sir Dennis of Tunbridge, you might not have heard of him up there in the highlands cb, . He's very well know in these southern parts.

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