    Donald Trump wants to bring back water boarding ,,what do you think?????

    +3  Views: 615 Answers: 6 Posted: 9 years ago

    6 Answers

    Waterboarding has its good points, but the bad points outway them I think, what if the person knows nothing about what you are looking for? It has been used on too many innocent people IMO, Trump is just looking for the headlines again, I hope they don't select him.

    Scroll down on this page and watch the late Chris Hitchens being waterboarded, see what you think....

    terryfossil 1

    Roy,imagine if they had used it on a guy that could have stopped 9/11...would it have been worth it then..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Of course it would have been worth it Terry, but they didn't, I still think there's a place for it but they must be absolutely sure that the person has the information they need, too bloody cruel using it on innocents.
    terryfossil 1

    I agree mate..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    After watching the video, I'd wonder how anyone would not spill his guts to avoid that continuing. What's the record on innocent people receiving this? 

    I would tell you everything I know. And, I agree with zorro, as usual. 


    Gitmo have their records protected, wonder why.

    Some are about to be reveiled soon and they are under pressure to give out more,in the near future,
    terryfossil 1

    the guy in the video would spill his guts real quick,,but we are talking about people who are willing to die for their cause.are we not ????..>>>>>>><<<<<<..

    Somebody must have done something to put themselves in a position to have that done to them. We should be using any way or means to protect ourselves from these people that want you dead. If you get weak , you have a better chance to be killed by these people. Don't fall for the idea that its wrong or inhumane. Terrorists don't think that way. Remember they want you dead. Whats more important ? Being alive or morally - politically correct.


    I personaly think you are wrong,but then again whats a little torture between friends,??????????
    terryfossil 1

    You are right Zorro,however it is important as Roy said,that they be the guilty party..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    If they catch someone involved in beheading people or burning someone alive, it will be okay with me if they pull their finger nails out!

    Its ok to use it on terrorists as far as I'm concerned. 


    How about big fat gready politicians who want to control peoples lives,??and for the worse in a lot of cases,

    I think it depends what the stakes are,,the perfect example is the movie "Unthinkable" with Samuel L. Jackson,,watch the movie, and then ask how far you would go..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..


    I would like to see movies that don't try to bring that kind of stuff into my home, even though it does exist. Try to remember it's a Hollow-wood rendition....
    terryfossil 1

    Truth is stranger than fiction Bob,,anything fiction can bring up,,,will probably become fact somewhere along the line..>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

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