I've always preferred a bedspread instead of a comforter because a bedspread covers most of the bed and looks nicer when the bed is made. I had heard of a duvet but had not seen one before I moved to the UK. Roy and I sleep under a duvet as does everyone I've met here. They are a pain in the side to change, but boy are they warm and toasty.
4 Answers
I always remember my Grans bed, from mattress up, flannel sheet, Roy+ hot water bottle, flannel sheet, itchy wool blanket, candlewick bedspread, lovely comfortable smell, sleep.
9 years ago. Rating: 7 | |

A duvet is a covering for a down comforter, as far as I know, and I loved having one many years ago. The duvet was a green and blue plaid.
Nowadays, it's a warm thick blanket. My Pepto Bismal pink bedspread gets too dirty from the cat shedding on it. Come summer, it will be just a sheet. :D
9 years ago. Rating: 6 | |