Two teachers come to my mind, my first grade teacher in Austin, Mrs. Waters and my second grade teacher in Indiana, but I don't remember her name. I think my first grade teacher was just old and grumpy, but my second grade teacher was full of pure nastiness.
During class I kept repeating my teacher. She jumped up from her seat and asked, who is mocking me? Heck, I was in the second grade so I had no idea what mocking meant. She walked over to me and grabbed my cheeks between her hands while shaking my face so hard that the inside of both of my cheeks split open and bled. My mouth was sore for a few days.

8 Answers
My kindergarten teacher. There was a circle painted on the floor and everyone had to pull their chair up to the circle. Feet were to be EXACTLY on the circle and not OVER the line. She would walk the circle and stomp on toes that were over the line, making kids cry. Can you imagine? :((
She wore those black Oxford lace up shoes, with the big heels.
9 years ago. Rating: 11 | |

Miss Wallace and I emphasize “Miss”. No one would have her. She wore awful horn rims and would send us outside if we so much as whispered to one another. She never smiled. She was just mean but to give her credit, she gave us really neat assignments. This was in 4th grade. I ran into her about 5 years later and recognized her and she told me I must have a good memory……..
9 years ago. Rating: 9 | |

My 6th grade teacher, Beverly Jean Crane, promised a trophy for knowing our states and their capitals and spelling them for 100% and silver for 97% - 99%. I knew my stuff, but forgot the capital of Montana during the test (Helena, yes, I know), missing 1 for 99%. She refused to give me a trophy because I didn't answer the question. In my mind, I missed ONE, and earned the trophy, I thought this was mean, though I see her rationalization now, of course. But I would have wanted my class to succeed and rewarded them as I promised. 99% is 99%.
Also, my 3rd grade teacher found me in the office one morning, calling my parents without permission because I'd just been told Neighbor Sam had died. He was the grandpa I never had and the first death I experienced. She grabbed the phone from my hand and told my parent I would be fine. Then she dragged me to class and told them all that I was sad about my friend dying but was going to be in class all day like a big girl (which I already was, thanks so much for rubbing it in). I hated her for that. She went to Missouri for Christmas break, got very sick and never returned to our classroom, passing away at some point. It always struck me as karma.
9 years ago. Rating: 8 | |

Your third grade teachers reminds me of my fourth grade teacher, Mrs. Sears. She was a grumpy ole bat and got very ill towards the end of the school semester leaving us with a sub, Mrs. Baker for the last three months of school.
I think some teachers become calloused after dealing with bratty kids for so many years, but your teacher should have seen that you were truly hurting after the death of Sam. Shame on her for what she did to you and karma is truly a B.
Mrs. Besunder, my typing teacher in Intermediate School. I was the "hunt and peck" type and once she caught me, and pulled my hair. Imagine doing that today! Anyway, I have 250,000+ Karma Points by using MY METHOD, so I got the "last laugh"! Mrs. Besunder is probably 6 feet under...she was old bck then! NOTE: I just did some research...her ribbon wore out at age 97. Her husband lived to be 100 (REALLY), but might have died bald.
9 years ago. Rating: 8 | |

I was pretty good at school until i got to grade 5, the teacher, a Mrs Ryan a big lady or seem to me when you are young, anyway i was a shy kid and for some reason Mrs Ryan pick on me often, subsequently my marks went down hill dramatically, it was not until my best mate told my mother what was happening, he was in the same class, all h*** broke loose and my mother like a shot went to the school un- beknowning to me stripping shreds off of her, telling her she was the reason for my marks going downnhill, after that her attitude towards me change, the end of year exam i was top of the class, it is amazing how you are treated make a world of difference, i will never forget her name. :)
9 years ago. Rating: 8 | |

CB,the list is as long as my arm,however i should mention i was not a good kid and probably deserved everything i got,,in grade 5 ,mister Hungerford always went real red around the ears when he got mad,then he would throw a kid over the school desks,,Also grade 6 ,myself and 3 other kids,stood in front of the whole school, while headmaster delivered 6 of the best with a cane,,,grade 9 different school,,woodwork teacher hit me on the backside with a piece of wood,i spun around and slugged him,,i got thrown out of school,so off i went to work,,as i said most of it my own fault..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..
9 years ago. Rating: 7 | |

Mr Holden at woodwork class,if we muck up a bit of wood we were caned,
9 years ago. Rating: 7 | |