Wild story out of Australia. Thoughts?
9 Answers
She had two things in her favour, she's a woman and the hired killers were friends with her brother. Here's hoping her husband will be haunted by her presence for all the rest of the days of his life.
9 years ago. Rating: 10 | |

Of course in prison! The article mentioned the man was terrified when he saw his wife was still alive. What I meant was that I hope the memory of the day when he saw her presence at her funeral stays with him therefore haunting/terrifying him
Nothing new here,goes on all over the world,in every country of the world,,however it never made the news here paper or tv,,and it was written by a paper called "the Independent" ..never heard of that paper either..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..
9 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
Wow thats wierd Hec,,An Aussie event,that Aussie does not know about..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..
Apparently she is being harassed by fellow Congolese in Melbourne where she lives. What was she supposed to do, sacrifice herself to her violent husband?
9 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
She has 8 kids and herself,,and she will be living off social security, and i will bet she will still get enough money for trips back to her own country..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..
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