    Have you ever awakened, gone about your day, made the coffee and then noticed the clock and it's two to three hours earlier?

    Yep. It's 4am and I'm drinking my first cuppa. I don't need to be up for another 3 hours....

    +2  Views: 291 Answers: 3 Posted: 9 years ago

    3 Answers

    Many moons ago I got up, did my usual morning routine, breakfast etc, got ready for work, went out to wait on my van picking me up, I wondered why it was so quiet, after half an hour I went back inside to call my driver to ask why he hadn't turned up, turned out it was actually 3am in the morning, I thought it was 6am, and it was a Saturday which we never worked in those days, needless to say, alcohol was involved, never happened again.

    i thought i set the clock for six  am, went to bed, the alarm goes off have breakfast, shower, got dress , as i was leaving the driveway, the DJ on the radio says the time is 11pm, put the car back in and set the alarm correctly for 6 am, i could not believe what i had done, only 1hours sleep, bet i'm not the only fool to do this.  :)

    No. I look at the clock and gage how much longer I can stay in bed.   Waking earlier lately, though, and hope to start taking advantage of the fact to read, but having no trouble falling back to sleep.

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