    What have you done that you'll never do again?

    I had my son circumcised. For personal reasons but have read so much literature lately to the contrary..... What are your views?

    +7  Views: 782 Answers: 4 Posted: 9 years ago

    My step- daughter has two sons, one is done the other is not, two different fathers, apparently the boys match their father. They properly wonder why they are different, i certainly not going to tell them.

    Now that is a dilemma. It's as if the poor kids don't have enough to worry about .....

    4 Answers

    There are many things I've done and hope to never do again, but as to the issue of circumcision ...
    My first son was premature and hospitalized for about one month. When he came home, we decided against circumcising him at that time because we thought he'd "been through enough". Our second son, born just over a year later, was not circumcised, either.
    The "maintenance" of a tiny uncircumcised penis is not excessive, but it is not easy.  Over the course of years, urinary tract infections and anatomical issues (nothing grotesque or abnormal) required that both be circumcised, one pretty much NOW and the other could wait, but definitely would be needed LATER.  Our third son had been circumcised at 1 week an indication that we had thought long and hard about the first two and regretted the decision to forego.
    The two older boys were circumcised at ages 8 and 9. (Misery loves company) It was a painful and difficult time for them, and took about 6 weeks to fully heal.  The baby's circumcision took about 10 days. 
    We, too, had done our homework and even talked to parents of uncircumcised little boys.  For our sons, it was the way we should have gone from the beginning. Reproduction doesn't seem to be a problem....


    MsBob, reproduction has never been a problem for circumcised men, it is the opposite that is the problem, self hygiene and painful splitting of the foreskin, and more likely to get STD. You did the correct thing.

    Thank you, Kent. Both these sons have young sons not circumcised. From my experience, I vote for the procedure.

    Ages ago, a family i once knew, had their first son and the doctors at the hospital and GP's would not do the circumcism, the mother found a Rabbi Doctor, she then used him for their next two sons, it was the neatest cut i have ever seen, not that i'm an expert.
    terryfossil 1

    Bob,from what i have heard from other men who have not been cut,,there are more problems with not being cut,than those that are,,..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    You have to ask yourself why do men have a foreskin in the first place, when humans started to wear garments, the forskin was no lomger required as protection of the end of the Penis, if you look a statistics, Black Africans, South American Natives, Polynesians, native Papua New Guineans, and Indigenous Australians, are Circumcised as a part of man-hood, do they know something we don't know, Not sure about the North American Indigenous Men.
    terryfossil 1

    Kent,you could always throw in that when adam and eve were thrown out of the garden of Eden and started wearing clothes,,God told the people of Israel to be circumcised,,maybe he KNEW something mate.. >>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..


    Considering i already am,,i guess i will never do it again..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..


    LOL :-D

    Marry my ex-wife! As for the circumcision, I had it done,and don't want to do it all over again. The guy who did it was angry besides; he only got a SMALL TIP!

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