8 Answers
Aboard this beauty about 30 seconds before she was hit by an Exocet missile fired by an Argentinian fighter plane, (they compared The Exocet to the Mother in law, you can see her coming, but there's f,all you can do about it).
9 years ago. Rating: 13 | |
The time I felt most helpless and in danger was a rainy, midnight cab ride from O'Hare to a motel. The driver drove in circles, and into and out of a golf course/country club, thinking we were stupid enough not to notice. I was so afraid our (my sibling and me) mutilated and sexually abused bodies would be found naked on the 17th green the next morning.
9 years ago. Rating: 10 | |
My ex father in law is a retired American Airlines Captain and my son's father is a pilot too. We borrowed my ex father-in-laws plane to fly from Texas to Mississippi. My son was still a baby so he and I sat in the back of the plane and my step son sat in the front with his dad. JM, who was about 6 at the time hit some thing-a-magiggy with his foot which immediately shut down the plane engine. I remember how quiet it was when the engine shut down and how the plane seemed to stall in mid air as we immediately began losing altitude. My heart sank deep into my chest because I thought we were all about to die while I watched my ex checking out the control panels on the plane trying to figure out what had happened. It took him less than a minute to realize the problem before he turned the thing-a-magiggy back on.
9 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
Back in the sixties i was surfing storm waves, or tying too, by myself, at least i thought so, it was during the week it was big and rough as guts, i wiped out, those days there was no such thing as a leg rope, i could not see my board, and i was getting tired trying to swim in the wash and suddenly a female surfer out of no where brought me my board, i was very thankful as i don't think i would made it to shore, i never saw her again, from then on i aways surfed with a buddy
9 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
When I married my first wife.
9 years ago. Rating: 4 | |