    Do you wash your sneakers?

    Not me, I put them on and wear them to rags.....

    +5  Views: 754 Answers: 5 Posted: 9 years ago

    5 Answers

    I have a pair of black rubber nursing shoes I wear (almost) every time I leave the house and they are usually in need of a good washing by the time I come home.  The shoes are rubber on the inside too (no material) so all I have to do is wash them under running water and dry them with a cloth. Easy Peasy!  


    You could just wear them in the shower too.....wash everything at the same time. :)

    Sounds well Kinky,,
    terryfossil 1

    We wear crocs in Aussie CB,,
    country bumpkin

    LOL... Ducky, I do wash them in the shower sometimes.

    Kent is that a Croc (not Clock) spider on that shoe! :)

    I have a pair of off brand Crocs I'm wearing now which look almost exactly like the picture of the pink pair below. The only difference is there are no holes on top and they have a cotton lining.I wear them inside only. Crocs are so comfortable, everyone should own a pair.

    Dennis, you're the Kinkmaster!
    terryfossil 1

    i guess all Aussies must look the same..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<.. it is only the Croc insigna CB
    country bumpkin

    LOL....I'm sorry Terry. I do know the difference, but I'm a bit scattered brained at times. I was joking last week purposely calling either Kent or you by the other name because one of you referred to me as Julie but this time I had a total brain fart. I guess all Texans look the same too. LOL
    terryfossil 1

    They do look the same if they wear a 10 gallon hat..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Lots of people here, wear Crocs. They are about triple the width of my foot! lol
    terryfossil 1

    Duck,nobody has feet wider than a Duck,>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    But I'm a strange duck.
    country bumpkin

    Crapola! My picture is not showing. I used to place pictures in comments the same way Roy does but now it won't work and Roy's been trying too.

    Awwww.....isn't she cute! Makes me smile. :))
    terryfossil 1

    There you go CB,,from CB to Duck..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..
    country bumpkin

    Show off!
    I'm joking Terry. Thanks for the pic.
    When I first began posting pics into the comment section, I had a choice of copy URL and this always worked for me. Approx, 9 months ago my copy URL option disappeared and I can no longer place a picture into a comment. The kicker is that Roy and I were placing pics in the comment section on aka and then we both lost our copy URL option but he can still place pics into the comment section of aka but I can't.

    Yes but not often and I don't put them in the dryer. I asked a 'shoe expert' if it's okay to wash them and he said emphatically NO! They should only be sprayed on the outside with a cleaner and sat outside to freshen.

    I have done, now i Scotch Guard them when new, the stuff actually works, the shoes always look clean and bright.

    No I tie them down every night,so that they don't go for a walk on their own,,

    No , just replace after about 16 months. MBT shoes.

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