    Can you change a tire?

    The last tire I changed was in a parking lot, I had a baby in the car, both arms in bandaged splints, and nobody helped me much less offer......

    +7  Views: 1070 Answers: 10 Posted: 9 years ago

    Uncivilized buffoons!

    Julie, do you have a motoring assistance organisation in the U.S.

    We have AAA roadside assistance, which costs around $60 per year. I've used it for years, tow service and tire changes, keys locked in car, dead battery.... worth it if only used once!

    This was pre-everything days (cell phones) and too strapped to feed my baby, buy gas, or support my beer habit.... I've got AAA now and used it twice.....and don't drink.....

    The AAA is cheap, i have RAA for $190 per year, thats for a Premium card.

    10 Answers

    I understand the process and probably could, but have never had to do so. 

    Yes I can if I have a spare and the proper jack and am dressed for it ... lol



    This lady is well attired for the job in hand.

    West-bus? You're back? How are you doing?

    Yes,but nowdays I call the motoring org,out,and get them to earn their money,

    If necessary, one telephone call...."Hello C.A.A"? (Canadian Automobile Association or AAA in the U.S.)



    I taught my ex to change a tire. She later had a flat and did change it herself. Two days later tire came off because she put the lug nuts on backwards.

    terryfossil 1

    A bit of knowledge goes a long way Flip..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    I don't know; I've never tried to.

    I can change tyres.


    Tires to tyres?

    The first and last time I changed a tire was with the assistance of my grandfather who was trying to teach me basic car maintenance. As a female who has grown up in Texas, I'm embarrassed to say, I don't think I could change a tire on my own to save my life. Repetition is what is needed for something to click with me. With the state my arms are still in it would be impossible for me to change a tire even if I knew what to do. 

    I guess this is a question for females,,as most blokes learn this in their teens..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..sorry to hear nobody gave you a hand JH..changing a tyre does require some knowledge and strength..""

    Yes Image result for pictures of changing tractor tiresImage result for pictures of changing tractor tiresImage result for pictures of changing tractor tiresImage result for pictures of changing tractor tiresImage result for pictures of changing tractor tiresAlthough this isn't me I've done this several times. But I do need help with these.""


    Oh I could handle one of these. It's those small ones on my car that I have trouble with. :)

    Yes, me too. I change THESE kinds of tires on a near-daily basis.
    terryfossil 1

    I changed one on my Massey Ferguson 65,3 cyl perkins diesel,, nothing compared to those big buggers of yours..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<.. not exactly mine JDB,but the same..
    country bumpkin

    I could have a lot of fun on that bad boy.
    terryfossil 1

    CB,i buried it in a sink hole with a bloody big slasher on the back,took 5 hours to dig it out..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    That's not fun, Terry not fun at all..

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