    Which country fascinates you the most?

    Not necessarily to visit, just holds an interest for you.....

    +8  Views: 908 Answers: 11 Posted: 9 years ago

    11 Answers

    Mongolia !



    My son in law visits Mongolia frequently.Minus 35 deg temperature in winter....NOT nice.

    A summer trip it is ... when will he do a flyby and pick us up? ;D

    Maybe you could meet him in Hong Kong or Beijing.

    LOL ... well ... maybe not this trip ... ;D

    From my one eyed point of view,Nowhere is better than Aussie,and sadly most Aussies no very little about the history,sights,and places in Aussie,,2nd choice Switzerland and 3rd choice Budapest ..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..""""""


    The Indigenous Australians above Terry, are they Torres Strait Islanders, and where/when was this photo taken, i have never seen this before with the Shackles, inhumanity to man.

    Terry, did i give you a thumbs down, if i did i hit the wrong thumb, will correct --- i did a brief history on Aboriginals at school, the teacher told us , in the early history of OZ, it was legal to shoot aborigines no questions asked, of course we had The White Australia Policy which was not directed at Indigenous Australians but our neighbours to the North.
    terryfossil 1

    That's about how it all went Kent..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    I find America and Americans fascinating , the fact that they are the most powerful country in the world, and yet as I am told, the average American has no idea or interest about what goes on around the world.

    Please don't be offended all you Americans, it wasn't meant that way.

    We were at a show/musical in London recently , and happened to be sitting next to an American family, in the interval the father says to us, gee iv'e seen this show in New York but sure is great to come and see it in this wonderful theatre in little ol London.


    I know what you mean, Sunny, back in the eighties in California, an American Women asked me, ' is Australia north or southern hemisphere, i was taken aback, hadn't she seen a world map, nowadays they seem a lot well informed because of the internet.

    We only get history, and very old at that. I'm taking world history next and wonder if Australia will be mentioned. Our education doesn't give us much about others, nor do our newscasts.

    MsBob, i noticed your American news broadcasts have very little or none overseas news unless the US is involved unlike hear roughly 30 minutes Domestic, 30 minutes overseas, we see a lot of American news possibly some you don't.

    Probably, and maybe objective instead of subjective. We are taught nothing about Australia in our schools, I had confirmed to me yesterday. I'm ashamed at our global ignorance.

    MsBob. we were the opposite at school, taught American Revolution, American Civil War, clashes between the Indians and whites, and the civil Rights Movement, plus we did Canada, which is understandable as Australia had bugger all history, it not your fault but your Govt. requirements for Education, now a days kids learn nothing or very little history. :)
    terryfossil 1

    I am with you Sunny,,this is an interesting video on street questions in America,,and i can honestly say, i do not know anybody on AKA like this..>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Believe or not. i don't know if you can class it as a country, i have always been fascinated with 'Antarctic', unspoilt landscape, translucent waters , seals, penguins unafraid of man and to breath non-poluted air, a must on the bucket list. :)


    In America Kent they use penguins to serve in fast food chain stores,

    Orphaned penguins, hector, and they only prep in the back, never serve on the line or run the cash register. The reason is they work with their feet and it would be awkward dealing with people while standing on one's head.

    Even then what about thier poor little legs,its a wonder they dont get in a flap about it

    Oops, my mistake. Pandas, not penguins at Panda Express! The penguins work at Arctic Circle drive-ins. They have ideal working conditions for their special needs and receive daily foot massages and spa treatments. Their heads are protected by cushions and also massaged daily.

    Malta it has so much history,good climate,and friendly peoples,

    Cuba. Cubans are undoubtedly one of the world's most resourceful people. Perhaps out of necessity but nonetheless, very creative.  

    country bumpkin

    I looked up three cities in Cuba on Google Maps last week, my curiosity got the best of me after hearing you speak of your love for Cuba in the past here on aka.



        Image result for photos of ancient places in Greece


    We may never get to go as the queen is meeting her mentor.....

    Italy and England. Have wanted to go to Europe since I was 12, but could never find anybody to go there with   :-\ 


    England would be my second choice especially London, so full of History. - been 3 times there can't get enough of the place. ")



    Well come on down! You'll love it.
    terryfossil 1

    Head down to Mooloolaba Clonge,,Surf,Sand and Sun... me and Venny swim just back on the right to the entrance to the river.. a few less people there.>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    Scotland. :) I'm still searching for the Loch Ness Monster!


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