    What should happen to the Elephant that was fed up with being crualy treated,

    +7  Views: 980 Answers: 8 Posted: 9 years ago

    8 Answers

    Yet another case of insanity out of Thailand which suffers deeply from ignorance. Sign a petition against the abuse of Elephants in Thailand here>>>



    Sent off Lindy,if they receive it,

    Awesome buddy !!! Every signature helps ! ;)
    I Love Hephelwents!!

    This poor elephant will more than likely be put down. 

    "From what the police are telling us this elephant was stressed, perhaps it was hot, it may also have been on heat and that's always a problem with male elephants - it has to be looked at very carefully by their handlers.

    "The mahout - the elephant handler - was clearly having some trouble controlling the elephant and they have a sort of iron spike that they use - it looks rather brutal - but they use it to strike the elephant's head, not usually very hard, but at least to let it know what to do.


    Thank you for referring me to the news report.

    Most witnesses, apart from his Daughter say that he was teasing it, got what he deserved IMO if that was true, elephants are wild animals, and they should be left that way.

    Put him back in the wild where he belongs.How anyone can be cruel to an animal like that has got me buggered.

    What elephant Hec,,However if i was that elephant,i reckon i would be obliged to stomp a few heads and legs..waddya you reckon Hec..????""

    If you tease an animal, wild or tame, you should not be surprised if it turns on you.


    I'm not familiar with the most recent I'll-treated elephant story but have been well aware of so many in the past. On returning them to the wild concerns me for the elephants who have never been there in the first place. Sign @lindilou's petition.....


    Sanctuary is the way to go for this big guy ... he has had enough abuse at the hands of hairless monkeys!! We must seem quite insane to these great beasts ... I wept as a kid when I saw how Barnum and Bailey's used to treat them ... we can make a difference though, just look at what the band Steppenwolf has done with their cash here! >

    After reading the report CB supplied, I really don't know.  Everyone has an "off day", and that this led to someone's death is really a tragedy.  I read nothing about teasing or tormenting the animal, so evidently have only part of the story
    I suppose the elephant should be kept away from work for a period of several weeks and thoroughly examined for disease/illness and treated if necessary... and the handler should be held accountable for his charge's behavior. 


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