    Wayne Bennet traitor,,

    "" where has the pride in the Green and Gold,,Baggy Green,and the Roo,,,He is possibly the best coach this country has produced,,he has a great history as a father,family man,and human being,his morals and principals have been on show for a long time,,but his pride in his country's sport is left in the mud,,first he deserts his country to coach the "across the ditch Kiwis".and now he is off to save the Poms,,WHERE IS THE LOYALTY,,he has made more than enough money for 10 familys..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..""""

    +4  Views: 4190 Answers: 3 Posted: 9 years ago

    3 Answers


    It takes a lotta clout to raise 2 disabled kids.I can't say I blame him for following the dough.

    He's not getting any younger.

    He'll be back tho.He IS an Aussie.

    terryfossil 1

    Tom, i do not believe it is about the money,,he would have more than enough for whatever he wants,,i hope it is not to simply increase his fame,,i had him above that,,>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    He would only increase his "fame" in the North of England Terry, that's where the league game is big in Britain, other than that he is still an Aussie coach.

    Rugby League? Maybe he's looking for a new challenge, and lots more money.

    terryfossil 1

    IF you read up on his story Roy,he originally wanted money so if anything happened to him and his wife,he wanted his kids looked after,(he has 2 disabled kids) and that's commendable,,but how much money does he need,,he has already been payed more money than he could ever have hoped for,,and he is one of the most respected coaches in the game..except he is not a patriot..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    You could use the same argument about any sportsman or woman who leaves their country or team to play for another. Soccer players?

    terryfossil 1

    You certainly could Nom..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

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