4 Answers
No. Bernie Sanders is a Democrat, running neck and neck with Hillary Clinton. Ted Cruz is a Republican and Trumped Trump....so far. It's just the beginning.
9 years ago. Rating: 10 | |
I have considered voting for Cruz, but if he doesn't do something about what his group did against Dr. Carson yesterday, I may have to reconsider and go for Rubio.

I guess I missed it, even though I've watched this event for hours and hours. What did they do against Carson?
Wow...a Canadian who probably knows more than most Americans! Is this because you're wintering in the U.S.?

No, this is because I'm interested in what goes on in the U.S., since we are joined by a border. (I've also never understood why this seldom goes both ways.) What happens in the States, affects Canada. I watch CNN.
@Ducky: Cruz's people told others and also tweeted (during the voting) that Carson was dropping out, so that they could get some of his supporters.

@Flip...I guess that should be all over CNN but I haven't had a chance to watch much today. Did they actually show the tweet? If that is true, that is a pretty underhanded way to get votes!
@Ducky: Fox News had Dr. Carson on this morning. Carson stated his wife had seen the tweet, and one of the Fox anchors asked if it was the one about .... (I don't remember the content), and he said it was. Cruz probably didn't have anything to do with it personally, but he needs to address the issue and apologize.

Politics...<sigh> I think that Ben Carson is a really nice and very honest man. I like him a lot. Too bad I don't get Fox. Thanks Flip.
Hello, politicos. What our broadcast claimed is Carson was going to go home instead of to N.H. and S. C. Some of Cruz's "people" thought he was giving up the campaign. Carson was just going home for a day to rest and get some fresh clothing. Cruz has apologized to Carson, who has graciously accepted the apology.
Flip, I like Cruz, too, especially because the Republicans in the Senate DON'T like him! :D
Flip, I like Cruz, too, especially because the Republicans in the Senate DON'T like him! :D

@Bob....since this post, I've heard all about it. I'm not sure what you mean by "our broadcast" but I heard the details on CNN and also ABC. It's hard to know if it's really what was "thought" by Cruz and/or his people, or if it might have been intentional. Could have just been one of those little 'slips'? Oops!
@digger: Oops, another mistake by me. I meant Carson, not Sanders and made the correction. Thanks for questioning that.
@Ducky, I meant the radio station I listen to here..I certainly hope it was someone else's stupidity and not Cruz's idea, as I truly appreciate the conservatism and what I think is more honesty and transparency than the other candidates Who knows, though.
@Ducky, I meant the radio station I listen to here..I certainly hope it was someone else's stupidity and not Cruz's idea, as I truly appreciate the conservatism and what I think is more honesty and transparency than the other candidates Who knows, though.

@Bob...Interestingly enough, Anderson Cooper is on CNN right now with one of Cruz's people." "Ben Carson is taking a break, going to Florida, and will have a big announcement later in the week", is what AC says was reported by Cruz/people, the inference being that he was dropping out. AC asked, "Why didn't you just say that the big announcement was that Carson was speaking at a prayer breakfast tomorrow morning (today-Wed.) and the representative couldn't answer that. He switched the topic to Trump. Uh oh. Sounds pretty fishy. Some other pundit joined the conversation and said Dr. Carson is VERY upset by this!
Pundits. Who needs them. I don't really think a prayer breakfast is big breaking news, so the question may have been rhetorical. Glad I'm not watching. If I don't hear directly out of Cruz's mouth, I'm going to doubt it. Who knows...it may be something cooked up by one of Cruz's detractors to make him look bad. He's not stupid enough to do something like this

AC didn't think it was "an announcement" either. That's why he asked why CRUZ'S REP didn't just say it, instead of "pretending" to hold back some "big news" (which inferred that Carson might be quitting). Politicians (many) will do all kinds of nasty things, if they think they won't be caught!
I have been listening and reading a bit about this mess, and it looks like CNN started the whole thing with an announcement. Cruz's somebody or other sent an email to Cruz supporters, if I understand this correctly, which can be read if you Google for the "exact words of cruz email about carson". Since I truly support the ideals Cruz has touted on the campaign trail (less government, across the board tax cuts, border and immigration policies, basic constitutionalism), I really hope HE wasn't behind this. Whoever was is a saboteur; let's hope he didn't sabotage himself.

It's a never ending circus isn't it? Clinton and Sanders who, up to now, were quite respectful to each other, are going at it...big time!
...it's no wonder the rest of you wonder about the Americans. Who among this useless lot is a qualified leader with integrity?

With Canadian politics also....who's actually telling the truth and even if they are, can they effectively accomplish their 'promises' or in fact, will they even try, once elected. Ugh.
USA is waking up to Trump! I HATE politics but I do know TRUMP is TROUBLE!
9 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
Yes, clu, I do; I like that he isn't stupid. He's not perfect, for sure, but of the candidates, I think he has the most conservative viewpoints and promotes more things that I want than any other candidate. I would rather have him appoint 4 Supreme Court Justices than any of the others. I think, if we are tired of politics as usual, this guy, who the "establishment" fears, would be the best choice! What do you think?
I usually vote Demo! But I am not dead and Cruz has Zillions of more thoughts than Trump! But I doubt I would change my policy at this point! To me the elephants always seem to be for the richer people not for us poor folks trying to JUST live out our life!
Keep an open mind, clu. Your choices this year are a socialist and a liar. Not much to choose from on either side of the corral. :(
But someone on Cruz side tweeted that Carson dropped out. This was false but consequently Cruz got the votes that Carson would have had.....
Julie, what you have posted is conjecture, not fact. You have no way of knowing if any votes were swayed, nor upon whose decision that email was sent. Also, the email said nothing of the sort, from what I've read and heard.
The email does not say Carson was dropping out. You can Google for the exact message and read it yourself, ms Julie
During CNN’s wall-to-wall coverage of the Iowa caucuses, Dana Bash shared breaking news from reporter Chris Moody that Carson would return home to Florida after the contest.
“Ben Carson is going to go back to Florida, to his home, regardless of how he does tonight here in Iowa. He’s going to go there for several days, and then afterwards, he’s not going to go to South Carolina, he’s not going to go to New Hampshire, he’s going to come to Washington D.C., and he’s going to do that because the National Prayer Breakfast is on Thursday,” she said.
That is what CNN posted which led to the suspicion Carson wasn't going to continue his campaign. I am not saying Cruz's people did the right thing, but it also is not out of the realm of possibility to interpret this report as was done. Today, Carson announced he is cutting back considerably on his campaign staff, something which he has been planning since November (? I think that's when) While I know next to nothing about campaign strategies and such, I wonder what the underlying reasons are for this move...could be there's not as many places to go and people to annoy (they are all annoying) with preliminaries happening. Could be more volunteers are needed to make phone calls to registered voters and canvas neighborhoods, though, which requires some coordinating somewhere
I have no idea what you think Rush Limbaugh said, but I am very sure I heard the exact opposite of what you think you heard him say and I was actually listening to him say it. I read the referral website and really don't know what value that has to your argument.
Last I heard, no one in Iowa has come forward to claim he voted for Cruz instead of Carson because of an email
During CNN’s wall-to-wall coverage of the Iowa caucuses, Dana Bash shared breaking news from reporter Chris Moody that Carson would return home to Florida after the contest.
“Ben Carson is going to go back to Florida, to his home, regardless of how he does tonight here in Iowa. He’s going to go there for several days, and then afterwards, he’s not going to go to South Carolina, he’s not going to go to New Hampshire, he’s going to come to Washington D.C., and he’s going to do that because the National Prayer Breakfast is on Thursday,” she said.
That is what CNN posted which led to the suspicion Carson wasn't going to continue his campaign. I am not saying Cruz's people did the right thing, but it also is not out of the realm of possibility to interpret this report as was done. Today, Carson announced he is cutting back considerably on his campaign staff, something which he has been planning since November (? I think that's when) While I know next to nothing about campaign strategies and such, I wonder what the underlying reasons are for this move...could be there's not as many places to go and people to annoy (they are all annoying) with preliminaries happening. Could be more volunteers are needed to make phone calls to registered voters and canvas neighborhoods, though, which requires some coordinating somewhere
I have no idea what you think Rush Limbaugh said, but I am very sure I heard the exact opposite of what you think you heard him say and I was actually listening to him say it. I read the referral website and really don't know what value that has to your argument.
Last I heard, no one in Iowa has come forward to claim he voted for Cruz instead of Carson because of an email
Funny that we should listen to the same program (know thy enemy) but I heard him say it. He related that someone on Cruz' stated.the sentiment. Upon looking it up, I found several Rush articles referencing the very happening. I didn't read enough for him to be called a liar. Why would Cruz apologizes?
The same reason you apologize for your kid when the neighbor tells you Joe hit a baseball through the kitchen window, ms. julie.
Did YOU break the window? No, but someone whose actions are your responsibility did.
You takes it from here.
I doubt you got any more out of the Rush Limbaugh segment than one of Cruz's staff sent an email. There's no dispute there. I doubt you read the email before making your comment. I've looked for a "tweet", which you referenced, and can't find one, yet.
You'd have to listen a long time to really know Rush Limbaugh, and an open mind would help. He's an entertainer using politics and government as his vehicle, and giving you a perspective and another way of looking at things. He's not a political analyst or newscaster. It's actually to his credit he is taken so seriously by so many, and it's probably because he makes many valid observations and conclusions.
If you don't think he's a liar, why don't you believe everything he says?
Did YOU break the window? No, but someone whose actions are your responsibility did.
You takes it from here.
I doubt you got any more out of the Rush Limbaugh segment than one of Cruz's staff sent an email. There's no dispute there. I doubt you read the email before making your comment. I've looked for a "tweet", which you referenced, and can't find one, yet.
You'd have to listen a long time to really know Rush Limbaugh, and an open mind would help. He's an entertainer using politics and government as his vehicle, and giving you a perspective and another way of looking at things. He's not a political analyst or newscaster. It's actually to his credit he is taken so seriously by so many, and it's probably because he makes many valid observations and conclusions.
If you don't think he's a liar, why don't you believe everything he says?
Were you listening today? He’s making excuses for having said that and placing blame on CNN…….
I heard the whole exchange with the ABC journalist. Cruz made an excellent point.
Is it wrong to repeat something you hear or read from CNN? Legitimate question? Isn't CNN supposed to be reputable?
We interpret things too differently to continue this conversation. SMHID
Is it wrong to repeat something you hear or read from CNN? Legitimate question? Isn't CNN supposed to be reputable?
We interpret things too differently to continue this conversation. SMHID
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