WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG! You are all wrong. He says that England is connected by the underground to Europe.
It's also connected by the sea bed to the Americas, doesn't make us American though, Amerigo Vespucci did that to you lot over there.
The world according to James. I wonder who he can email to have the meaning of the word continent changed.
1.any of the world's main continuous expanses of land (Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, South America).
Powered by Oxford Dictionaries · © Oxford University Press
The UK is not on the list. Sad and true.
1.any of the world's main continuous expanses of land (Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, South America).
Powered by Oxford Dictionaries · © Oxford University Press
The UK is not on the list. Sad and true.
Technically England is not an Island, Scotland connected in the north and Wales to the west, United Kingdom is an Island, a little bitty island compared to Australia OI! OI! OI!. :) it is unsual for me to make a mistake, Australia is not defind as an Island, it is classed as a Continent.
We have travelled beyond England not actually being England but in fact the UK and moved on to the comedy of James. My only hope is that he dresses a bit odd and has an unusual haircut.
I think there is big coinage to be had writing the off kilter things he permits to come out of his mouth down on paper.
If he has friends that are equally completely correct in their wrongness, Julie is sitting on a goldmine.
I think there is big coinage to be had writing the off kilter things he permits to come out of his mouth down on paper.
If he has friends that are equally completely correct in their wrongness, Julie is sitting on a goldmine.
@Kent,,this should confuse you,,Aussie is actually a Island Continent..bit of an explanation here mate..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..https://www.quora.com/Why-is-Australia-considered-a-continent-and-not-an-island..
I always wondered if Australia is a country or a continent. England is too small to be a continent ; but it's a land mass.
M-cat a country is a country. There exist some extremely small countries on this planet of ours and in fact, there are people in my fair land whom would love the province of Quebec to become it's own country. ... Personally, I think, " Have Montreal and we will keep the rest."
A continent is an entirely different matter. The definition is up for grabs. :D
A continent is an entirely different matter. The definition is up for grabs. :D
6 Answers
Why bother, Julie.
(P.S. Greenland is the world's largest island. Toss that bone at him sometime.)
9 years ago. Rating: 11 | |
England is not an island. Scotland and Ireland have nothing to do with things. Let's ignore Wales even though it is a lovely part of the world and Sir Tom Jones actually comes from there .... And Canada is not part of North America.
It gets better.... This is all because James is American.
Surely people, there is true comedy in this. I mean ALF was on television and the Cone Heads are part of, sort of, recent history.
I see great opportunity here. Let the man continue to speak.
It gets better.... This is all because James is American.
Surely people, there is true comedy in this. I mean ALF was on television and the Cone Heads are part of, sort of, recent history.
I see great opportunity here. Let the man continue to speak.
Hey Bob,Greenland 840,000 sq miles----Australia 2,941,517 sq miles..http://www.worldatlas.com/aatlas/infopage/islands.htm
There you go. James has a point. Terry has just pointed an interesting fact out.
Now, all we have to do is figure out the email address of the person in charge of massive geographical information.
And, the Tunnel really should count as part of a land mass as those fake islands off the coast off desert ridden countries do in fact, count ... Extensions if you will .... Massive apartment complexes are built, people are inside ... Bing bang boom ... Land mass that counts.
James could be on to an entirely new way of thinking.
Now, all we have to do is figure out the email address of the person in charge of massive geographical information.
And, the Tunnel really should count as part of a land mass as those fake islands off the coast off desert ridden countries do in fact, count ... Extensions if you will .... Massive apartment complexes are built, people are inside ... Bing bang boom ... Land mass that counts.
James could be on to an entirely new way of thinking.
Australia is an entity with a bit of floating parts and an extremely prolific Coral Reef. That could define continent and could define island.
The very fact that Australia has gotten the gig of Continent is extremely cool.
.... Now back to James and his view on things. :D
The very fact that Australia has gotten the gig of Continent is extremely cool.
.... Now back to James and his view on things. :D
James seems to have a real, serious problem with geography. Buy him a world atlas and make sure he opens it. lol
9 years ago. Rating: 10 | |
England is not an island but with Wales and Scotland, it is.
The British Isles includes England, Scotland, Wales and all of Ireland, and the Channel Islands.
The United Kingdom is England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Great Britain is England Scotland and Wales
nom, he also says Canada is not a part of North America,. He not only an American, he was born in South Dakota......
South Decota is kind of big and Canada is blurry on American maps.
... In my defense, I find this really funny. (I added the C and took out the K for a bit of flair. The E is because of my Canadian accent).
... In my defense, I find this really funny. (I added the C and took out the K for a bit of flair. The E is because of my Canadian accent).
JH,i think it is a yes and no answer,,just have a look at this,and let me know what you think.Great Britain is an island.>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..http://www.worldatlas.com/aatlas/infopage/islands.htm
9 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
I now want a globe. This subject is serious business and open for scrutiny.
Flat maps and numbers are just not cutting it.
James actually could be correct as what is considered the " norm" is decided upon by a selection of folks that no one seems to have a vote upon.
They could just all sit around with coffee and cake arbitrarily deciding what is what. Then and only then, someone else throws it into a book and the rest of us .... Except James, say, "OK".
Flat maps and numbers are just not cutting it.
James actually could be correct as what is considered the " norm" is decided upon by a selection of folks that no one seems to have a vote upon.
They could just all sit around with coffee and cake arbitrarily deciding what is what. Then and only then, someone else throws it into a book and the rest of us .... Except James, say, "OK".
It is just funny and he may not be wrong. Terry is posting items of interest and I am looking geographical subjects up.
James could very possibly be the new big thinker by accident.
James could very possibly be the new big thinker by accident.
How about some info on James' views on religion? I think he may be a Pastafarian.
My favourite subject (as some of you know).
9 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
I don't think he is Pastafarian primarily because we can't possibly be permitted to have that many laughs in one lifetime.
One can only wish.
One can only wish.
Julie, I know he was an altar boy. My kids sang in the children's choir, were in the children's handbell choir, and were active in church services and special events.
Point being - so what? We all grow up and take our own paths when we don't have someone pushing us down the paths they've chosen for us.
FISH-O, seriously, Netflix instead of THIS?
Point being - so what? We all grow up and take our own paths when we don't have someone pushing us down the paths they've chosen for us.
FISH-O, seriously, Netflix instead of THIS?
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