    Some creative excuses for being late to work. Do you have, and have you used any?

    1) "I was driving to work, and a truck carrying vaseline spilled its load, and I was slipping and sliding." 2) "I thought about quitting today, but I changed my mind and decided to come in."

    +8  Views: 669 Answers: 8 Posted: 9 years ago

    Have you heard the song about the guy who was having a bad day....ran out of TP, spilled coffee on himself in the car, had a flat tire, got pepper-sprayed by the cop who stopped because the guy had a tire iron in his hand, got fired for being late even after he told the boss what happened?
    "Did you ever have one of those days, when nothing turns out right"....

    8 Answers

    1.  The out of the yard, messed in the living room, ate my lunch...
    2.  I'm pregnant (when asked why I was coming in late and seemed to have less energy. My boss was supportive and understanding)
    3.  Company from out of town, insisting I "have coffee and visit" in the morning.
    4. Any "emergency situation" with one of the children.
    Wow, this sounds like I am full of excuses....hmmm

    I was on my way to work ,and a lorry in front of me carring beer had its load fall off of the back on to my car,lucky enough it did not do to much harm,as its load was only light Ale,


    How much time did it cost you, in drinking the beer?

    No creative excuses for me though most of my excuses have been legit.

    A. Bronchitis ( I developed this my first week as a daycare provider. 

    B. Monthly lady problems before my hysterectomy.

    C. Body rash and hives due to stress. I was a human scratching post.

    " Well if I weren't late I would have been on time right " ..My own words to a former boss !

    When I was working full time I was self employed, no one to make excuses to. Now I am retired with a part time job, if I'm late I'm late, and if the boss doesn't like it, it's too bad, he gets more than his money worth out of me, I'm too old to care what he thinks. 


    Always good to know that you can walk away from it, whenever you feel like it. :)

    The truth is I need the job , because I need the extra money. But I don't like the boss, he's not a nice person.

    Oh, well that's not good. "Needing" a job is not nearly as enjoyable as working by choice.

    My truck wouldn't go fast enough.. I had a 1984 Ford diesel Ranger non turbo, if we had a good tail wind the smoke from her would pass the truck..

    Rarely ever late for work. My boss would know for sure that there was a very good reason for it, even before I explained.

    I was forever early, seriously. I'd drink coffee and shoot the breeze. No, if I was going to be late, I'd just take off......


    Me too. Most often early and doing the same. :)

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