    TRIVIA Time --- Do you realise we ( REGULARS) have been on Aka talking about nothing for a little over 5 years, i checked the profiles , except for one or two joined in 2011.

    Nothing was happening, so i checked the joining dates, i was amazed it has been so long, time flies, enjoyed mostly every minute of it, there has been comments i wished i never did and ones i should have. just thought i let you know. :)

    +10  Views: 836 Answers: 11 Posted: 9 years ago

    11 Answers

    It was the end of 2011 when I joined, not quite the beginning of akaQA, great wee site, we have all made a few friends here, me more than most I suppose, we have also lost a few good ones.


    ....there was not a thumbs up; I pushed a box !
    ....I hope I hit the right one.

    Got the T/D but you fixed it.

    We are survivors! 

    Don't Ya Jes Love it!

    terryfossil 1

    You gotta like this one CB..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..
    country bumpkin

    This song brings back good memories to me Terry, reminds me of my grandmother. She liked that song. My grandmother used to sing this song to me when I was young, do you remember it?
    terryfossil 1

    I sure do CB,,i was a Roger Miller nut,,and this one was one of his best,,my opinion..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..
    country bumpkin

    Oh yes. LOL

    WOW...where's the time go when your on "AKA" It will be 5 years for me as well off and on ..I hope were all here in another 5 !


    Check in a bit more, you are missed.

    Oh i will thanks for being missed , the only thing i miss lately is a good night sleep and the the toilet bowl !

    Yep, jails crap eh?
    Don't bend down in the shower.

    Yeah mate,i first joined in August 2011 as Terryfossil..then one day i could not log in,so i opened another account as Terryfossil 1 in december 2012..>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    Wow! Sept8-11 for me! Didn't realize I've been here that long! Thanks everyone for "hangin'"

    August 13, 2011; visit the site almost every day.  It's been a pleasure.

    I understand that Mods Ducky and Python are busy putting the finishing touches on AKAqa'a 5th anniversary Video! Coming out soon  


    Oh yeah!!!

    You saw the celebration the first mod put together?

    It's still around on the internet, don't think it will ever be bettered, not joking either. Not for akaQA ways, lots of people on it well remembered.

    Yes, it was very well done, a lot of care and thought. Impressive.

    Not bigging up anyone in particular, but SHE was impressive in her own mind!

    It's not in my contract unless it's the part where it reads...."and any other assignments deemed necessary by management". LOL!!

    Apparently, she impressed a lot of people for quite a while. However, it's water over the bridge and under the bridge, and wherever else the water flowed. I'm glad she's been AWOL and wish her no ill. Let's have some more questions, please.

    Aug 28, 11  And if I’m not mistaken, Americans are the minority.Or it sure seems…….


    How about Canadians? Count 'em.

    I arrived in October 2011, so a little over 4 years ago. I can't believe it's been that long. Almost quit a few times but realized I would miss many people here, so I stayed and stayed and stayed and.....      :)

    terryfossil 1

    And stayed and stayed..>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    I joined in Feb 2011, just on five years, it's always interesting. And it's nice to have a banter and a laugh with everyone  from around the world.


    I did not get were i am today without having a quick banter,

    That is the most fun, people from everywhere, well, all different places.

    You were always on my mind,all those lonely lonely times,etc,etc,

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