    Can you see this? What cha think?

     Oh, never mind... what's the oldest item you own?

    +8  Views: 828 Answers: 9 Posted: 9 years ago
    terryfossil 1

    A newspaper that was printed on the day of my birth..( 1951 ) ..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    9 Answers

    The oldest thing i own, a Trotter-- driver on a sulky with the horse, it was made in Germany, it is clockwork which still works, is made of wood and metal and rubber well before plastics, my Grandfather gave it to me not long before he passed away, i would love to upload a photo, still will not work, also it is no. 5 with the jockey wearing red, yellow and blue colours, by the way my grandfather was a Jockey/ Trainer.


    If it's ok, i will send a test email, Hec.

    A nice piece of costume jewelry which belonged to my mother. My step-daughter wore it in her wedding this past April, and my daughter will wear it in her wedding in about 6 weeks. I will offer it to my son's fiancee to wear next year. Then it shall be retired forever!


    Oh, no! Won't you have grandchildren?

    @ jhharlan: There is a possibility the step-daughter may produce grandchildren. The daughter will not and very unlikely in the case of the son. I believe my bloodline stops with me.

    Dreadfully sad.....

    We have a lot of antiques, I guess the only thing I can think of with a date right now is a 1924 model T Ford.


    That would be worth a few bob JBD,is it still road worthy??

    Its in pretty decent shape for not being restored. I pulled the engine because of a cracked cylinder wall. That's been bored and resleeved. It also needed a couple new bushings for the cam. I found two but had to make the third. Thankfully I've got a lathe. And also a Bridgeport mill

    Over 100 years old book.

    A couple of my father's carpentry tools that I never use.Circa 1930s.

    terryfossil 1

    New avatar Tom,,interesting Mo..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Bit of the Musketeer about you Tom!

    That's my Johnny Depp look.

    Aye, ok then........

    CB knows the story.Ask her.

    The wife..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..""


    I would not mind kissing her,
    terryfossil 1

    If that was my wife you would be in strife,,Hec..hey hec if i gave you my email address ,could you send me an email,,if you say yes, i will put it here for 10 minutes,so you can copy it okay..

    I have tried e-mailing terry but no one gets my e-mail,its
    terryfossil 1

    Maybe you should get a hold of your email provider and get them to fix it..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..i just sent you an email..

    Dennis i tried, no can do, yours is the first email that has failed, in fact nothing happened.

    Open a new email account Dougal!!!!!!

    Ive tried Ted,and no matter what E-mail or password I chose they just reject them,what have they got against me,?????

    Dennis as Romos suggested a new account, try gmail or hotmail. :)
    terryfossil 1

    G'day Heck,,your problem is not your password,you have sent me 2 email accounts,1 is outlook and 1 is gmail,,i have sent a email to both those accounts,,and both have returned,,but strange to say,,the reason outlook was returned (5.1.0-Unknown address error 550-'invalid recipient )..and the reason gmail was returned..( 5.1.2 - Bad destination host 'DNS Hard Error looking up (MX): NXDomain' ) Now Dennis, ask your email people where this problem comes from and let me know how you go...see ya later mate..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Did you get my return email?
    terryfossil 1

    Yes JH,i got your email,thanks very much..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    I have an etched glass cake plate my grandmother gave to me. I don't know how old is but probable at least as old as I am. My mother recently gave me a diamond necklace on a gold chain which she's had for 35 years.

    If my parents' other offspring gives them back, I'll have some very old photos; if not, a few pieces of furniture and some collectible glass.

    My piano is almost 90. 

    I have some of my mum and dads photos from the 1920's , and we have my father in laws WW2 medals .


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