    What are the goals of Feminism -- are they truly after equality or it is there another Agenda.

    +4  Views: 872 Answers: 6 Posted: 9 years ago

    6 Answers

    RESPECT and equal treatment, particularly in the work "agenda" that I've noticed. You may have no idea how some women get treated at work, even though they are doing the identical job.

    Eg....One time (about 20 years ago) I was in a meeting with about 10 other employees, men and women. A male said to me, "And what might be YOUR opinion on this topic, little lady"?

    The women (and some of the men) were absolutely appalled by that comment from him. Is that the way things should be? I don't think so!

    My male friends simply do not speak to women that way, ever.


    That 'little lady' i have heard in American movies, that is a real put down, don't use that put down hear, i know too well about equality in the work force, my ex worked for a well known home builder as a estimator, because she could type she got less money than her male counterparts, work that one out. -- i don't know about Canada, there are women here who are CEO's in the big companies and one who is Ceo of the largest mining corp in OZ also the wealthiest, they are making inroads slowly.

    Here too.....slowly.

    I've never have nor been around happenings of inequalities.  My mom was a real estate broker and was good.  She got paid for it,  too. Me? I've always come out ahead of the boys.  I guess it's a matter of attitude in any given situation. I know anti woman stuff is going on,  like abortion and being paid for the job they do, but personally it's not happening to me.  Except when it comes to housework.......


    You are correct with the housework, my better half looks after the inside, i do the outside-- old school.--- i do believe in same work equal pay which is still not happening.
    terryfossil 1

    my wife gets all the money and i get a $20 allowance,,equality works well in our house,,however she is the finance minister,and she is good at it..>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    The word equality covers a very wide range of topics,and is also a throw down word for a fight,and so it is the male, not the female that must choose his words carefully..the equality problem was already covered by God,,woman was made from the side of man,,meaning to be beside man neither in front nor behind man..therefore man and woman should give respect to each other,,then comes common sense,,should woman in the name of equality have the right to be and do anything a man can do or be,,should a woman have the right to a men's club or men to a women's club in the name of equality,,should women be allowed to fight in the front line with elite soldiers..I think it is time a new phrase be made,,"Commonsense Equality"..even though "commonsense equality" is mentioned in the Bible,it is not mentioned in glaringly two words,..Now if that don't put the cat among the pigeons, nothing will..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<Always nice talking guys and gals...


    Actually women don't need us any more, as long as they have a supply of the good stuff, we will eventually become obsolete. :)
    terryfossil 1

    I know it is a long winded statement Kent,but the best way i could explain how i see it Mate,,i hope it comes across as down the middle comment..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Good points Terry but women also need to be respectful to men. Feminism (meaning RESPECT and equality) is no excuse for women to treat men poorly nor was that ever intended....simply women standing up for themselves. Men who lack confidence, generally do not like nor appreciate that quality in a woman. I personally enjoy men who have strong personalities and are still respectful.
    terryfossil 1

    Thanks Duck,i did mention respect on both sides in my post, the confidence and strength between man and woman is a double edged sword and they can compliment each other,,my wife i stronger and confident in areas i am not, and visa versa..i think it is a good mix in a good relationship..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Sure sounds like it.

    A definition of "Feminism" is
    the advocacy of women's rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men.

    The biggest problem with this effort is that women have to "prove" their worthiness while men who are often inferior in countless ways just get the perks that go with being a man....a better wage, more "trust" as a political figure, getting to wear a full uniform when playing professional football instead of a bikini....that kind of stuff.




    Not (just) bra burning? I detest the women who ever did that! It's never gone away.

    I commented before you added more info. I couldn't agree more. I've seen it first hand in the work place. And these uniforms....more plain old exploitation. The women are as much at fault but you know.....$$$$ :(

    And only 3 games of tennis in a match,why is this when men have to play the best of 5,?????

    hector, apparently women don't have the stamina to play best of 5? This practice also gives men more court time and probably bigger purses (I've no idea).
    ducky, yes, the women who buy into this BS exacerbate the problems and reinforce the notion that women aren't serious competitors.

    yea,i guess Bob,,

    It just isn't fair hector....not fair at all. I think that both the men and the women should play until they drop! Now THAT would be fair! lol

    @Bob....Physical stamina is the problem for sure. We are indeed different in many ways.

    We would have bodys all over the tennis courts at Wimbledon,No that would be untidy,and i live near thier,

    Okay so that won't work. Mustn't make a mess. :)

    I have to wonder what the "leadership" in the Feminist movement are really trying to accomplish. Equal pay for equal work makes sense, but insisting on presuming the average woman can keep up with the average man physically may be going too far...of course, I'm not even going to pretend to know what "average" entails.

    I hear you. "Anything he can do, I can do better"!!! Just not true in my opinion nor does it need to be.

    It doesn't do much to further the efforts. That kind of arrogance never does, unless you are "the Donald".

    Even skipping the debate...still leading.

    Wimbledon pay men and women tennis players the same prize money, women tennis players campaigned for this, but they still play best of 3 rather than best of 5 for the men, what's equal about that?

    Moderator mean tennis, just isn't fair ROMOS.

    Perhaps Wimbledon should insist on the women providing the same duration of play? As for the "leading even in absentia", it just goes to show how easily duped way too many Americans are...of course, there is a long history of THAT

    America has a LONG history?

    We have a long history of being easily duped by people who rise to power and take advantage of their position and the people We are pretty naïve

    And my computer has a history of freezing, resulting in frustrated clicking

    Indeed, and also clicking too much.

    Hilairy Clinton Forever.

    My little football team here in Bonny Scotland have a favourite saying....WE ARE THE PEOPLE! Shortened to WATP, it is most effective in gaining or losing "friends" on social media anywhere in the World, if you don't understand, look it up.

    There is only one way to prove Physical Stamina, mixed football, whether it be Soccer, American football, or the gruelling Australian Rules, women against men----- it simply would never work, no matter how you look at it, men are naturally Physically stronger. -- the only countries with true equality i believe is Sweden and Israel. Please take note i still think 'EQUAL WORK. EQUAL PAY.

    Even in my yoof I couldn't handle Aussie rules, I thought I was pretty good too, turned out I was just pretty, if I'd carried on with that game I wouldn't be pretty for long.

    Roy, American footballers have beemn invited to see the AFL play, first thing they say, 'Where is the head gear, where are the shoulder pads, and all the other padding, they believe we play the game without them, of corse we don't need them the players are all built like Arnie Swarzenagger. :)

    Wait until they play the all blacks,then we will see,

    Different game Dougal, the Aussies are crap at rugby.

    Only second to the Kiwi's -- We are the Champions -- in my eyes, :)
    terryfossil 1

    @ Kent,,Fly the flag cobber..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..
    terryfossil 1

    @ Kent,Equal pay equal work is commendable in theory,,however you cannot make it a blanket law,,point,i was a picker in a warehouse with men and women,,there were quite a few women who could pick faster than some men,,however when it came to picking some of the heaver bulkier items,they would have to get a bloke to help them,so they changed the law and said nobody is to lift anything over 25kg on their own,,however none of us blokes ever got help but some of the women could now legally ask for it,,which made it equal pay equal work,,i am not saying no to equal pay equal work,,but i am saying no to a blanket law..All the best mate..>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    To make men's lives miserable.

    terryfossil 1

    If that is the case Clonge,,how stupid are we for marrying them..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Thankfully, they're NOT ALL feminists!


    Hec, the kiwi's don't stand a chance, whom am i kidding. :)



    So BM, you know what to do now, don't you? Use your edit button here...."Edit this answer". Delete your words, put a dot there so it will "stick" and then re-type this answer to the correct place. I will then delete this response (dot and avatar). YOU need to do the work! :)

    Ducky i can't remember what i typed, oh well . it's old age.

    Re-type first!!! Men get paid more???????? LOL!!

    You are in great form this morning, Ducky. LOL>

    It's 6:30pm here BM and apparently, I've had quite an enjoyable day. This is what it does to me. lol
    terryfossil 1

    @Duck,,You gotta quack slower to us Aussies my golden friend..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<

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