5 Answers
I consider a wolf whistle to be complimentary, the same as if someone compliments the colour of my eyes, length of my hair, the way I wear my makeup etc.
9 years ago. Rating: 8 | |

By the way, my weight has fluctuated over the years so I've been on the receiving end of both wolf whistles and cow calls. I would much rather here the sound of a 'Wheeet-Wheeew' than a 'Mooo"!

Roy you continue to crack me up after all these years. Tee Hee!
Kent, I'm sure your wife is lovely both inside and out. :)
I think it's childish and I thought that, even when I was in my twenties. My attention has always gone to men who are intelligent and humorous and can carry on a conversation. Whistling indicates to me, that he is only trying to impress the fellow goons who are standing near him, who also believe that that behavior is loved by women. It's not sincere....it's not a compliment. Men who whistle at women, do not do that when they are alone, do they? Only in a gang.
9 years ago. Rating: 7 | |

Oh hey! Wait a minute! Maybe they just don't whistle at old ladies? LOLOLOL!!!!
Yes, I am. Because with a whistle there is usually more to consider. The guy whistling is assuming you love it and want to jump into bed with him if you so much as smile. I guess this goes against what I just posted about femalism. Keep your whistles.....
9 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
Never had occasion to worry one way or the other.
9 years ago. Rating: 6 | |