    What company is developing Hyper-Fi?

    What company has Hyper-Fi?


    0  Views: 413 Answers: 1 Posted: 9 years ago

    1 Answer

    Here is probably more information than any of us cares to know about Hyper-Fi:

    The Hyper Fi Stock

    Ruckus Wireless went public near the end of 2012 at $15 per share and quickly rose to a peak of $24 before interest waned and brought the share down to its current state, which has been floating around $10 for a while now. The company, known for its “carrier class” WiFi technology has been part of an overall boom in wireless products being developed to handle the larger and larger bandwidths associated with networking in general. Where Ruckus’ share (RKUS) differs is that it’s considered to be “The Hyper Fi Stock.” The real questions, though, are what will hyper fi do for consumers and what can you do to possibly capitalize on the technology?

    What is Hyper Fi?

    For all intents and purposes, Hyper Fi is a patented technology owned by Ruckus Wireless that has a lofty goal of accommodating the internet’s insatiable hunger for more of that precious digital bandwidth.

    At this time, the current wireless mobile system that can be found the world over is costing businesses and consumers alike trillions of dollars in lost time and an inability to handle the constant load stressing mobile communications channels. Hyper Fi from RKUS is the answer to these shortcomings in that it opens up the proverbial data floodgate by “beaming” information straight to devices rather than the current model that stands as more of a broadcast. This direct-to-user stream allows for substantially faster connection speeds, alleviates mobile congestion and opens the way for newer and better data-heavy services.  Ruckus has come out with what they call Beamflex, and Ruckus has a patent on it.


    I have a question for you. How much do you know of chiropractic care? Thanks for the comments as well.

    I went to the chiropractic college where my nephew was studying to be one of his clinic patients. The initial exam was very thorough with xrays, reflex tests, balance tests, and extensive questions. My treatment straightened my posture immediately, and I have been getting regular treatments for 3 years. At each visit, I check in and show where I am having pain issues, what kind of pain (sharp, dull, throbbing, etc.), how painful and how often ( 5/10 and 75-100% of the time, for example), what makes it worse (movement, sitting, etc.) and what alleviates the pain (same things and chiropractic care). The experiences I've had with chiropractors leads me to believe they are holistic and use medication as a last resort. Diet and exercise are important factors for a healthy body, and they are bigger advocates of this than my regular doctor (who is also holistic). My chiropractor's office does some PT.
    I know that I will need continued care because I get out of whack and the adjustments help relieve pressure and pain in my neck, back, and hips. I have even had my fingers adjusted. The adjustments seem to improve blood flow and realign my skeleton. When I had an issue with my sciatic nerve, chiropractic did NOT help me; I needed physical therapy.
    My sister has had chronic headaches and diarrhea cured by chiropractic treatments. Yep.
    I know there are some risks with chiropractic, and so far, I have had no bad experiences. My chiropractor is very gentle and I feel safe. When I have a question about general health, I ask him, and he gives me an answer that makes sense and is complete. I wish I'd had chiropractic treatment 30 years ago! (I hope this helps).

    yes, thanks

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