    International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust.

     My heart hurts for the people who were held prisoner, tortured, starved and murdered at the hands of the Nazis. Let's all take a moment to reflect.

    On January 27 each year, the United Nations (UN) remembers the Holocaust that affected many people of Jewish origin during World War II. This day is called the International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust. It also commemorates when the Soviet troops liberated the Nazi concentration and death camp Auschwitz-Birkenau in Poland on January 27, 1945.

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    +8  Views: 729 Answers: 4 Posted: 9 years ago
    country bumpkin

    Sorry this isn't a question, but when I saw it I thought it was worth mentioning. We should never forget these souls.

    It's well worth mentioning CB.Thank You.
    country bumpkin

    Always good to hear from you Tommyh.

    Inhumanity to man, unfortunately it is still happening today. Thanks CB for pointing this out.

    4 Answers

    I've got to say something after Bob's poetry. Today makes me recall the tears and horror at that memorial. The stories would make tears in even the coldest heart. It was beautiful and very humbling....

    country bumpkin

    Thank you Julie.

    Image result for PHoto of Boston holocaust memorial Image result for PHoto of Boston holocaust memorial

         Image result for PHoto of Boston holocaust memorial Image result for PHoto of Boston holocaust memorial

    These photos are from the HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL in Boston Massachusetts.  Julie and I happened upon it on our vacation last summer.  I have never been so moved to tears at man's inhumanity to fellow man as I was in this place. Each glass "tower" is 4-sided; from floor to the top serial numbers of the prisoners are etched.  It is staggering and sobering, much like the Vietnam Memorial in Washington, D.C. or the Twin Towers Memorial in New York City, but unfathomable when one considers 6,000,000 men, women, and children compared to (VN) 58,220 US soldiers killed/303,644 injured and (TT) 2,977 killed (including hijackers)/6000+ injured.
    The Ottoman Turks killed over 1.5 million Armenians during the genocide 101 years ago, still not acknowledged by the US Government (43 states, however, have issued proclamations) - in order to keep a good NATO relationship. 


    country bumpkin

    I looked for pics and couldn't find anything like this so thanks.

    Tears kept falling. Couldn't speak. The "stories" like the one in the last photo, are interspersed with historical information. Should not be missed if you are ever in Boston.
    country bumpkin

    I know I would be bawling my eyes out too.

    I remembered seeing the television series Holocaust which was disturbing but even more horrifying was the Israeli exhibition of the Holocaust at The Adelaide Uni, The films and baskets of the actual gold teeth and spectacles, plus other things i can't mention the Nazis  did to the Jews, Gypsies etc.

    country bumpkin

    It's nothing you'll ever forget.... Stomach turning to say the least.

    I will never forget Kent,and yet thier are those that would have us forget what the Germans achive in two worlds wars,

    I don't understand Hec how the Nazi's recorded every horror they committed, they really believe they would win the war and not have to answer to war crimes, whats worse is the village locals denied they knew what was happening in the Death Camps.

    There is a museum in Berlin dedicated to the Holocaust. They have a display of shoes taken from the victims before they were given their only choice of gas chamber, naked, ashamed, confused and terrified.

    The artifacts and displays in this museum are beyond heartbreaking.

    It is really sad that we are not keeping the horrors of history alive in our schools and revering those who were witness and victim during these times. Make sure your children and grandchildren grow up knowing about these events.

    We grew up with this history in our schools. Each year we studied world history as well as Canadian history in our school system as did my children.
    I wrote a paper on the second world war in about grade eight. I remember being impacted by the building of a wall around half of a city as punishment for the atrocities. Studying the subject influenced me to study the second world war more and I went to Berlin to see the wall.
    What struck me hardest at the time was, with all of those lives taken as if their precious lives were nothing at all, part of the punishment to Germany was giving land and people away and placing up a wall around only half of a city. I just can not and will never figure out why people are actually a commodity or why hatred can drive certain people to think others are of so little value.

    And, now look at what mankind is doing. It is mind boggling how we refuse to learn.


    "It can never happen here." "It will never happen to me."
    Naive denial

    Fish, the Berlin Wall was built by the USSR, it was contructed to keep westerners out of East Berlin, this was part of the so called Iron Curtain, which hypothetically surrounded Russia and all the countries it claimed. -- the start of the 'Cold War.

    I know. I wrote a paper on that as well.
    The wall was punishment and a form of containing people. I had a friend who delivered bodies to the mass graves in Berlin with a wheel barrow in exchange for chocolate which was the only food he ate as both his parents had died in the war. He lived to see the wall go up and the wall come down.

    We must remember so we never return to these dark times ever again. A friend of mine watched her entire family die, she was spared but it haunts her mind every day she lives.

    country bumpkin

    There is a website of artist paintings I looked at last night and one showed a baby being taken away from its mother. The painting a lone is enough to give someone nightmares. Bless your dear friend's heart for having to live with these tormenting memories. Unimaginable!

    CB, did you ever see the film 'Sophies Choice' starring Meryl Streep, she had two young children, a boy and a girl, the Nazis gave her a choice which one will go to the Gas Chamber, she chose the younger one to save, a girl. very disturbing movie as it was based on fact.
    country bumpkin

    I've heard Sophie's Choice but I haven't watched it nor Schindler's List or movies like Platoon. I watched Guyana Tragedy when I was a teen and I cried for days.

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