Some statistics to ponder about our website.
Almost 11700 more USERS than QUESTIONS here on akaQA? I don't understand. Did we have that many people sign up and do NOTHING?
Average number of questions per user = .97 questions per user (less than 1!)
Average number of answers per user = 1.51 answers per user .
Average number of answers per question = 1.55 answers per question.
Our top four contributors combined have answered 168899 times, which is almost 25%.
What conclusions can you come up with from these statistics?
If I have made some mistakes in calculations, please let me know and I'll edit this part. Thanks.
3 Answers
The users are calculated from visits per question, sometimes questions are "viewed" hundreds of times but may only have a few answers, I wouldn't put any trust in any of these numbers.
9 years ago. Rating: 7 | |