    Have you ever just planted something to see if it would grow?

    I already did it with cotton, now I’m waiting on leman seeds to sprout……  A lot of people will just take a piece of something and stick it in the dirt…….

    +4  Views: 600 Answers: 6 Posted: 9 years ago

    6 Answers

    We grew herbs last spring and plan to do so again this year.

    Cuttings of "this and that", different seeds.  The two aloe vera plants in my front yard were cuttings, as well as the third one inside the front door.  The heartleaf philodendron draped around the mirror and some geraniums....stuff like that  

    Image result for aloe vera plant in bloom

    Yes! It was a massive Three Sisters garden .... corn, squash and Beans together!



    Very cool! Sasquatch food

    LOL! 7 kinds of squash! I bordered the whole lot with spuds! My landlord nearly keeled over...his wife was so impressed! I sold most of the produce to a few local chefs... it was great but no Sasquatches in sight! Central Alberta country ... farms for miles!

    Beautiful description...makes me want to get that major service job on my car, then go for a verrrrry long drive :D

    Yes,me and Venny planted a couple of Donkey Tails to see if they would grow,,we planted in two wall baskets,,they are slow growing JH,,but they are about a sixth the size of the ones in the photo,,we been growing them for about 6 months..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..""


    That is a gorgeous plant. Mine never flourished that well. Hope yours does!

    Dang. Now I'll have try growing them. Got to find a starter first.....
    terryfossil 1

    Jh,try and buy the plant with at least 6 or 7 inches of stalk,,they will start better that way..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Yea usualy old seeds i find around the house ,just to see how long they can remain dorment,

    Of course. I've planted trees, flowers, thoughts, dreams, smiles, good intentions, and happiness for all to share.

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