6 Answers
A couple of experienced business owners who know how to run a business in a professional manner and also have the insight to hire the right people. Some computer savvy IT employees, some sales reps who know how to sell advertising on the web, some moderators who will be given very specific guidelines for their position, a person who answers all complaints in a respectful and timely fashion....(all of the above will be well paid of course)...I'll keep thinking.... :)
9 years ago. Rating: 10 | |
What got me here was that little box that read "Ask a question"
Management and staff like Ducky responded is internally vital.
9 years ago. Rating: 7 | |

That is all I will say on the subject except that there is no way or place in my mind that I would actually think whistling at a very good looking man would in any way be deemed as acceptable.
In the moment BM I would venture to guess whistling at someone in a time and place seems like a really good idea... we are all going to become wrinkled old people and some of us are unfortunately going to become hairy and actually go to public swimming pools in Speedo swimming trunks.
Now, that I have written that down I will give the whistling thing to you.
Celebrate youth and beauty. !!!
Maybe a, "You are young and you don't look like crap yet!", should be applied and also..... "Please don't think Speedos are cool and shaving is a good thing!".
I have noticed that other members ( other than us die hards ) ask what could be asserted as Legitiment Questions as 'we' have always, not all the time used Aka as a social media which i enjoyed, julie is really trying hard i think to bring about what we had originally or am i talking out of my hat. :)
9 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
I have very little free time these days.
There is a lot more pressure. Prices go up but paychecks do not. And, raising a child is very different today. It requires far more parental supervision than ever before.
Oh yes, there was a very sweet lady who loved her dog. Her avatar was a photo of her dog, a Yorkie. She wasn't on much and she was also diagnosed with cancer. I believe it was terminal as she was devastated and left the site abruptly.
.....OK....valR. He was the man who lived in California. He was very nice and relentlessly questioned She Who Won't Be Named.
The rest I can't find at the moment but, I am on my tablet. For some reason these things are limited. .... If I actually could use my computer I wouldn't have this problem. :D.
The other Aussie who was as funny as the day is long was not sick. I think she left as she was ticked off at how stupid she perceived us to be at the time. I did have one real life conversation with her and that lady is a gem. I still vote her answers up if I find one based upon how engaging her concepts were and are. Chinese sightings of Aliens never gets old!
Bobette; Darn things anyway. :(
There used to be such a massive feed of questions which went often mis-categorized or not at all. If there was someone surveying those pre-post things might have run smoother but that is just hindsight which is essentially me drivelling ... we also used to attract some really strange personas as well as spam spam wonderful spam. I suspect that the pop-up box system is no longer in place on other web sites, blogs, et al. So yeah baby ... money!