    HAPPY AUSTRALIA DAY to my fellow Aussie Akains, and to all members who today are Honouring Aussies, 26/01/2016.

    In case you don't know, the 28 of January 1788 the Fist fleet from Great Britain loaded with convicts landed at Botany bay, little did they know they were the start of a great nation, as many of them became farmers and graziers, today besides Anzac Day is the only time most of us fly the Flag.

    +10  Views: 1002 Answers: 11 Posted: 9 years ago
    terryfossil 1

    I fly the flag day and night Kent,,I have a Flag and kangaroo tattoo,,it never leaves my side..>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    Kind of like a permanent ID in case you leave the country and develop amnesia?
    terryfossil 1

    @JH,,it came in handy in Peru,,when trying to explain what country i came from..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    11 Answers

    Got the dates mixed up cobber, all the same though......



    Where did i go wrong, Roy? oops i see what you mean 1778, i was only 10 tears out. lol

    I appreciate the history lesson………..


    terryfossil 1

    JH,,a great white on Australia Day.?????ummmmm,,okay,,whatever floats your boat..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Didn’t look white to me……...
    terryfossil 1

    Your right JH,maybe it is an Orca (killer whale)..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    Do Orcas jump?
    terryfossil 1


    Dang spell check, auto-correct.....
    terryfossil 1

    They certainly do JH. they will throw a sea lion into the air and then catch it..

    Happy Australia Day,, on behalf of Mariah, James (Packer) and from Clonge! Singer Mariah Carey and Australian billionaire James Packer got engaged just a few months after they were first seen cozying up together.


    Are these two from a wax museum?

    Yes...a very RICH wax museum.

    I'll take the bumps and wrinkles! They look ready to melt


    terryfossil 1

    I thought we moved on to Lamb Pyth,,or is that a NSW thing..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    Snags on the barbie will do me.

    Lamberth is in London terry,where they do that funny walk,
    terryfossil 1

    We are talking food here Hec..>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Every country in the world has a unique day in its history,,we are one of the youngest countries in this world,but on this day we are as proud as any other country in this world...Happy AUSTRALIA DAY AUSSIES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..""

            All my best to our Aussie friends.

    Will you  Australian's  cook on the Barbie today?

    What do you like to cook?


    snags and onions on white bread with sauce of course ---- B-B-Q.
    country bumpkin

    What's a snag? Is it sausage?
    terryfossil 1

    Your on the money CB..Sausage >>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Yep and there is a lot of talk about the republic of Australia with an Australian head of state.I'm all for it too!



    Tom, What do you think of the flags possibly to vote on -- Bring on the Boxing Kangaroo, at least it is unique to Australia, log f good onthe centre flagpole at the Olympics.
    terryfossil 1

    One of the greatest things we can do is learn from mistakes of older countries,,older countries hold the history of their country close to their heart,people have married under it ,opened governments ,and died under it,,imagine the uproar you would get if someone suggested to replace" Old Glory" in the USA,,our flag is our heritage and should remain until some country blows us off the face of the map,,as for republic..i think we should ask why it is so important to some people to want a republic,,our governor general is an Australian head of state,,and we run our own race and make our own laws,,so why is it so important to become a republic..somebody wants to gain a hell of a lot more than what they are telling us..all the best Guys..AUSSIE RULES on this day..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Kent & Terry.As for the flag,I'm OK with it.I actually fought under it.As for head of state.......Aussie,Aussie,Aussie.In my humble opinion Mr,Abbott should not have been Prime Minister.He was not born here.That's just my opinion.
    Back to the flag.I'd be OK with the Southern Cross on a blue background.
    And Terry...No disrespect to the Queen intended.She's done a good job But I think we're old enough to be our own nation in every sense.
    terryfossil 1

    Tom i agree with some of what you say,,i was not happy with abbot towards the end,,but to say he was not Aussie,?????,born to an Aussie mother and uk father,came to Aussie at the age of 3,,and if he did not portray what it means to be an Aussie,,then i do not know what an Aussie is,,All the best mate..>>>>>>>><<<<<<..




    Thanks, was there anything else as i see a question mark :) the question mark has gone -- keep calm and light the barby

    Be proud of your heritage!  We love you, Australia

    Image result for australia day photos

    terryfossil 1

    C'mon Bob,,i am gonna get all goooey..and that is very un-Australian..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<

    Happy Australia Day, to all you  down under.


    Much appreciated SunnyB, it your day as well as the convicts all came from the U.K. -- you know that is where the word POM'e' came from 'Prisoner of Mother England.'

    Well I didn't know that was where the word poms came from, now it will have a different meaning every time I here it. I always thought it was something insulting, we live and learn.

    {{{Aussie land forever,}}}


    oi! oi! oi!

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