    Today ( January 24, 2016) is Peanut Butter Day. What is your experience with peanut butter?



    1. The first time I tasted natural peanut butter with no added sugar or preservatives was when I was living in Indiana. I like (bland) natural peanut butter more than popular brands like Jiffy and Perter Pan.

    2. My best friend's daughter had a hair full of gum so my friend rubbed peanut butter through her daughter's hair instead of having to cut her hair.

    3. I used to wrap peanut butter around my dogs medications so they would eat it and it worked

    4. Do you have a favorite recipe made with peanut butter?  I like homemade Butterfingers.

    5. ETC...

    +8  Views: 991 Answers: 8 Posted: 9 years ago

    8 Answers

    Once,  on a summer day my sister and I were bored. We proceeded to take the peanut butter to the side of the house, smeared our legs with it, and "shaved" it off with a table knife I still possess. We put the stuff back in the jar and put it away where we found it! 

    terryfossil 1

    Not eating at your place JH..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    My dad was the peanut butter freak. Once we buried a whole raw egg in then ducked. But you know? We never heard a word about it . Jack was a remarkable man....

    Toasted P/butter & cheese........... YUMMY........


    Even not toasted, love it.


    And...slice some green olives and place on top of cheese. Yum!
    country bumpkin

    I made homemade pimento cheese recently with green jalapeno stuffed olives and it was delish.


    ... and thin sliced dill pickles ... marrrr...

    Is there a reason why today is peanut butter day CB..I do not think we have Vegemite day and i do not know why we would..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..""

    country bumpkin

    My references to my questions the past few weeks all come from three different sites which are all in agreement.
    country bumpkin

    Today there were four, but I chose one to elaborate on.

    Marmite & peanut butter toasties?
    I'll give it a try!
    country bumpkin

    ROMOS is easy to please. LOL
    terryfossil 1

    So am i CB, but i am a vegemite not know about that marmite stuff..>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Marmite is the Mother & Father of "Vegemite".
    terryfossil 1

    Let me know what you think old mate..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Vegemite is for kids, real men eat Marmite.
    terryfossil 1

    @ Nom..either way it has to be better than peanut butter.Most Aussies would not touch marmite,,surly you are not saying Aussies are kids.. >>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Terry, I have tried both Marmite and Vegemite and in my opinion, Vege is a diluted version of Marmite. I have tried the Aussie version of Marmite and it is not a patch on the real (British) product.
    terryfossil 1

    Opinions vary Nom,,for me,i would not touch marmite with a 40 foot pole,,Marmite sells well in UK,vegemite sells well in Aussie..opinion vary Nom..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..
    country bumpkin

    i haven't tried either, but there were some Marmite crisps on offer recently and I thought about buying a pack but didn't. I'll have to try both because I'm curious.
    terryfossil 1

    CB,go for the Vegemite and walk in the footsteps of an Aussie,,we may well be from the blood of convicts,but at least you know who we are,,the names of Captain Midnight,Dan Hall,Ned Kelly are well known,,does anybody know the names of the people who sent them to Aussie?????..You might want to look up Bushranger Frank Gardiner,,born in Scotland and became a bushranger in Aussie and died in Colorado>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Terry take no notice, Vegemite is Vegemite and Marmite is Marmite, Aussies prefer Vegemite and the rest of the Planet Marmite, we both know which is superior. :)
    country bumpkin

    I read the link, Terry. Interesting group of men! :)

    PB with banana and honey is a good sandwich.  I have a decent recipe for a Reese's type chocolate/peanut butter treat.  Simple and delicious.


    I made peanutbutter cookies!


    That's Cookie!! LOL

    I Always put a tub of it in my under pants before going to work,that way i always found it easey to spread it at lunch time on very cold days 

    terryfossil 1

    Sicko Hec..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..
    country bumpkin

    You are a strange bird...LOL

    hmmmmm ...

    Does it affect your bowling?

    only when i sneeze,

    Hmm. I'll have to try that, with the peanut butter...

    Dont get any on your Rhino,14 pounder though Bob,

    You mean the TABOO 15#.
    Never had a Rhino...didn't see many around here...the bowling balls, I mean. Real Rhinos run by daily.

    Peanut Butter , Lovely Jubbly.

    country bumpkin

    Do you prefer smooth or crunchy?

    It depends on my mood, mostly smooth I think.

    I have yet to try Peanut Butter and Jelly ( jam) sandwiches, just the thought of it makes me sick, must be like Vegemite an acquired taste. -- that Nutella stuff i could use for glue, which most Aussie kids prefer over Vegemite, what's the world coming too.  :)


    Nutella is a little hard to spread, but it really is tasty. I don't think it would hold as well as glue over the long haul. PB&J is an acquired taste. A fine palette (like when you are 6) is likely to appreciate the sticky texture and excessive sweetness. In other words, you may be too "mature" for PB&J. Try a PB drop cookie with a "thumbprint" of jam. That may be better.

    I had a peanutbutter and jelly sandwich for lunch today. Still love it!

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