1. The first time I tasted natural peanut butter with no added sugar or preservatives was when I was living in Indiana. I like (bland) natural peanut butter more than popular brands like Jiffy and Perter Pan.
2. My best friend's daughter had a hair full of gum so my friend rubbed peanut butter through her daughter's hair instead of having to cut her hair.
3. I used to wrap peanut butter around my dogs medications so they would eat it and it worked
4. Do you have a favorite recipe made with peanut butter? I like homemade Butterfingers.
5. ETC...
8 Answers
Once, on a summer day my sister and I were bored. We proceeded to take the peanut butter to the side of the house, smeared our legs with it, and "shaved" it off with a table knife I still possess. We put the stuff back in the jar and put it away where we found it!
9 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
Toasted P/butter & cheese........... YUMMY........
Even not toasted, love it.
9 years ago. Rating: 9 | |

Is there a reason why today is peanut butter day CB..I do not think we have Vegemite day and i do not know why we would..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..
9 years ago. Rating: 8 | |

I Always put a tub of it in my under pants before going to work,that way i always found it easey to spread it at lunch time on very cold days
9 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
Never had a Rhino...didn't see many around here...the bowling balls, I mean. Real Rhinos run by daily.
I have yet to try Peanut Butter and Jelly ( jam) sandwiches, just the thought of it makes me sick, must be like Vegemite an acquired taste. -- that Nutella stuff i could use for glue, which most Aussie kids prefer over Vegemite, what's the world coming too. :)
9 years ago. Rating: 4 | |