When I lived in the apartments, I HAD every squirrel there trained so to speak. They would climb the screens to wake me up then comes in to get their nuts. I had them waiting for me as I was walking home and they would start chattering and followed my every step. One would sit on my porch light and wait for me to hand him a fresh nut. Little vermin were great fun!
terryfossil 1
G'day JH,,i assume a squirrel is a lot like a possum,,in Aussie if you have a possum near your house,you have to try and move him,he will eat anything you try to grow and some things you do not grow and very much a nocturnal animal,,however they are protected..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..below is an Aussie possum with cute little kid..

Oh, gee gads! In America possums are loathed, kids or not. They are nasty and live in ones garbage. Squirrels are cutr, frisky, tree climb and jumping critters. They eat all kinds of nuts and bread if you're a little kid trying to feed 'em.... look up American squirrels. Oh, they love to dodge cars!
country bumpkin
Julie your comment about opossums dodging cars reminds me of a funny story. My aunt and I were driving down a street in Menard, Texas when she hit an opossum but didn't kill it. That poor opossum's body was smushed/stuck onto the asphalt but its head was raised up bobbing all around. We felt so sorry for it because we knew it was in so much pain so I told my aunt to line up the car tires with the head and run back over it. My aunt was freaking out yelling, 'I don't know how to line the tires up with head' so we switched seats and I ran back over it and killed it. I can still remember how the car jiggled and the bursting sound when I smushed its little head. The death of the opossum of course wasn't funny, but the way we were both so grossed out and her making me run back over it because she didn't know how to line up the tires makes me laugh every time I think about it.
possum.jpg Shoot, I tried to get a picture on here but lack the know how. Anyways, possums are ugly, they spike with short teeth and their own defense is to play dead. We adapted the term “playing possum” from the stupid, stupid animal. I was camping one day when a possum walked up on me. I flick my cigaret but it, hit it in the middle of the forehead and it simply shook it’s head from side to side (very slowly) and slug itself away……..