    What was the first book you ever read for pleasure?

    Easy: The Boxcar Children 

    +10  Views: 785 Answers: 11 Posted: 9 years ago

    When I was a kid we use to rule the boxcars that were parked in the siding near our homes. I remember one time a couple of us kids saved up and bought I assume qt bottles back then of Coke and bags of red licorice... We hopped in a car and waited all day for the locomotive to come by and hook up.. It never came that day. Never did get our ride either. Probably a good thing...

    11 Answers


    For pleasure ? What sort of pleasure lol ?


    Hannibal Lector.   LOL. ----- actually it was The Secret Seven. :)

    Ladys Chaterlys lover,



    Did it have pictures.

    We must have been on the same wave band Dennis, I remember reading that when I was about 13 years old, I found it in my brothers secret Cupboard .

    Tales of the iron road. I met this man several years ago and listened for hours about his life as a hobo. I wanted an autograph in the book and got much more in including  pictures and lots of stories, only at the end to find out he almost hated to book, Its spot on and true of his life, but the publisher screwed him out of every dime generated by the book. He and his wife didn't have the money for legal fees.:

    "Steam Train Maury" Graham (June 3, 1917 – November 18, 2006) was best known as five-time holder of the title "King of the Hobos", and was later known as "Patriarch of the Hobos". Born to a broken home in Ohio, he was shunted from father to mother to aunt to married siblings. In 1931, at the age of 14, Graham began riding the rails as a hobo during the Great Depression. He settled in Toledo, Ohio with his wife Wanda in the late 1930s, and worked as a cement mason and founded a trade school for masons. During World War II, he served in the military as a medical technician. In 1969 he returned to the hobo life for another eleven years, finally retiring in 1980.

    Maury Graham adopted the nickname "Steam Train" in 1969, when the "Golden Spike Special" steam train came through Ohio, returning home from the 100th anniversary of the completion of the first US transcontinental railroad. He was one of the founding members of the National Hobo Foundation. He also helped established the Hobo Museum in Britt, Iowa.

    Mr. Maurice Graham died due to complications from stroke at the Northcrest Nursing Home in Napoleon, Ohio. He was 89.



    I liked reading in first grade...the FIRST book, I can't remember.  Just finished another James Patterson, though.

    Beholden To Kill - No: 208  Any Shad Denver Books,,although it has been a long time since i have read a book..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Sweet William.I was about 8.I nearly peed myself laughing.


    Read all the Just William books, loved them then.

    Tom, is that Prince Willy? :)

    No Kent.This was 60 years ago.

    The Holy Bible. 



    terryfossil 1

    Good a place as any to start Digger..>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    I recall this one ....


    The Secret of the Old Clock, a Nancy Drew Mystery

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