    I just found out my husband has had a relationship with someone else for years and now she is having his baby what to do?

    +4  Views: 525 Answers: 5 Posted: 9 years ago

    5 Answers

    Lose him! ASAP!

    First, you cry.  Then, please follow up with an attorney and counseling. Some may want the husband to move out, others may move out, and others may live in denial and go on as though all is well. So many considerations...what does he want, do you have minor children together, just for starters. 

    Please seek guidance and I hope you get the support and understanding you need from family and friends.  Keep your faith. 

    Sounds like he wants more than 1 woman,,that's just not need to ask questions..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Goodbye husband.

    I can not add to the above ,perhaps,a use a little of all the advice giving above,Wishing that all may come out right for you,Den,

    terryfossil 1

    who's Den Hec..????????>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    Thatss me Dennis,Terry,
    terryfossil 1

    @ Hec,,on the money sonny..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    No Terry that's Dave,
    terryfossil 1

    Not Sunny Den,"Sonny",,,this could be fun Hec..Terry>>>>>>>><<<<<<..

    Sonny is the make of my T.V, Terry,an old c.r.t. tube one 32inch,
    terryfossil 1

    Hec,,mine is a large Bravia Sony High Definition LED..Note the word "SONY" Hec..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..Terry

    oh yea only one {{{{{{{n}}}}}}},I WANT AN LED,
    terryfossil 1

    Just my opinion Hec,,but i found LED'S to be much better than Plasma's,,Plasma's get to hot and use a lot more power,,although Plasma's are a lot cheaper to buy,,>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    my one is an old cathode ray tube,we are not all rich like the Aussies,
    terryfossil 1

    I thought everything was cheaper over your way Hec,as for being rich,,me and the wife went a lot of years with second hand everything,it was not until i turned 60 that we could afford new stuff.. <<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>..

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