    Have you made your will?

    Mary died without word one. Everybody new she would outlive David. Well, she didn't and everything is in a mess!

    +7  Views: 661 Answers: 4 Posted: 9 years ago

    4 Answers

    Yes, I have a will, but it, like Benthere's, needs updating.  I recently moved my meager investments back to the broker I had when married; for some unknown reason, my IRA still showed my ex-husband and his brother as beneficiaries (the brother was the designated guardian  for our sons in the will I had when married) 
    In California, Mary's assets would automatically go to David.  My aunt died without a will, was a widow, and had no children.  Her surviving siblings and the children of her deceased siblings shared the estate. One deceased sibling had six adult children who shared that portion and one of them had changed her name and "disowned" her family.  My uncle, who lived in NY, saw her photo in the local newspaper, with her new name, and recognized her.  It took a little longer to track down an address, and she was furious that she didn't receive enough for a nice wedding (so HA! I'm NOT the only crazy in my family!!!!)

    Nope, no need....


    No we have not ,but we seriously need to make one out..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    We made out a Living Trust in the 90s, when my husb was still alive, but it has to be updated. It's better than a will, b/c with a will, it still has to go thru probate; and with a Living Trust, your assets  go directly  to  your heirs,upon your death,  instead of probate.

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