Spring semester began this week and the "doctor" instructing my History of Mexico class presented himself needing to wash his hair and having no syllabus for a class he has taught for several years. Informing us that he was a DOCTOR at the local state university here, he admitted he was just slumming it on the community college level because he lives nearby and is "the only one" qualified to teach the subject.
I'm far from perfect, but, c'mon...you've taught the same course for years and you can't hand us a syllabus on the first day? You ramble about El Chapo and repeat yourself for 75 minutes?
(I dropped the class and picked up a Western Civ class two doors down).
SO, the question is....when others are counting on and/or expecting you to be prepared for something that depends on your preparedness.....ARE YOU? prepared, that is....
7 Answers
I try to be but sometimes I think I have not done enough! I still have dreams of past occupations where I think I let "them" down! Hate those nightmares!
9 years ago. Rating: 8 | |