A friend loudly proclaims that he is working class although his father was a senior bank employee, owned rental properties and drove a Humber Super Snipe ( a luxury car of the 1960's). I say with a background like that he can't be working class, what do you guys think?
6 Answers
Gotta be a middle class worker,although i worked as a labourer,which is working class,however the pay was more of a middle class pay..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..
9 years ago. Rating: 11 | |
I agree with jhharlan. What one's parent(s) or grandparent(s) did doesn't dictate whether one is working class or otherwise in their own career. I suppose we call it "white collar" and "blue collar" around here. Someone who doesn't need to use "Lava" or that orange soap to clean his hands after work would be "white collar". Someone who uses his hands and doesn't sit on his tush all day would be "blue collar".
As for your friend, if he was more of a supervisor than a supervised, I'd call him "white collar". If he was in the trenches, I'd be more inclined to call him "working class" or "blue collar".
9 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
"In the trenches" - not sitting at a desk