    What do you think of this?

    Some refugees who have settled in Australia want to have Australia day to be changed to Citizens day, as they are not Australians they feel it does not apply to them, just imagine the uproar if this was suggested for the 4th of July - Independence Day.

    +10  Views: 960 Answers: 8 Posted: 9 years ago

    I guess it will be the same here. 'Canada Day' (July 1st) will have to be changed to 'Citizens Day'. Ugh!!!

    8 Answers

    Stick em in a boat and push it back towards Syria.

    The Germans let thousands into their country , and look what happened on New Years Eve, over a hundred women were assaulted and two raped by young men of Arab decent. These are the refugees that the politically correct want everyone to take in women and children apparently , most are able bodied young men. As the song says , There may be trouble ahead.



    I would have thought the Australian Govt would have forseen the problems that would arise by the trouble they cause in the U.K., as usual head in the sand.

    Hey Kent,i am a dinki di Aussie,,we have seen what they have done to other countries including their own,,are we so stupid we cannot learn from the mistakes of other countries,,are we going to lose our country because of our Democracy,,somebody in our Government has to make the hard decisions,Check out this link,very interesting mate..>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    Leave them in the boats, nuff said!

    Send them to Austin.

    Actually, I agree with sunnyB.  Enough already


    That was tacky, Bob....

    Not really. Your answer validates my tongue-in-cheek response.

    No, it was tacky…..

    Not really. Your answer validates my tongue-in-cheek response.
    We can do this all day.

    If you can't stand the heat,get out of the kitchen.Go back & enjoy Syria Day.

    What CAN anyone think about this? I believe it was only a couple of weeks ago, that I mentioned how I wouldn't mind people coming to Canada from other countries, as long as they don't start ranting about changing all of our laws and customs to match the customs of their country, the one they left because of the horrible conditions!!! That is sooooooo irritating to me that it makes me ill.


    me too

    when i go to another city or state or country, i try to enjoy that culture's evolution and current dynamics. i feel it would be rude and aggressive of me to try to change it. i have a friend that works at a school where a few people wanted them to stop celebrating Christmas in that school. if you don't like the great culture that you came to, maybe it's not the right culture for you.


    They want us to be accepting and yet there is no appreciation for being accepting.

    Gee, I live in Austin. Nuff said. I'd open my doors if circumstance allowed. Ann Frank is dead because we turned away her father. Everybody is God's miracle and I believe He is looking out for me.....


    The reason he was denied was because the Nazis were already occupying Germany and making it more difficult for people to leave. Because of the Nazi occupation, countries such as America were more hesitant to admit immigrants. If you continue to research the situation, you find that his permission to enter Cuba was revoked as well. Sometimes, the whole story is helpful. Sometimes, a little discretion is necessary; not everybody wants to come to the US to live the American dream.

    So, he asked to go to Cuba but was denied. That makes it OK for America to do so also? The man wanted out for his family’s sake. Unfortunately, he lost his daughter.

    @Bob....How refreshing to hear an American state openly that "not everyone wants to come to the US to live the American dream". People in other countries do not always believe that the U.S.A. is "THE GREATEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD" as most American politicians (and some citizens) spout on a regular basis. Thank you!

    Thanks, Ducky. I think I am pretty lucky to live where I do, and we are certainly led to believe we, at one time, WERE the greatest. If my ancestors hadn't emigrated when they did (pre-1915), they'd probably have died in the Armenian genocide (which, by the way, never happened). We are not all we're cracked up to be anymore, for sure.
    jhharlan, I have to admire your perseverance. What makes it OK for Cuba and/or America and/or anyplace else to deny a VISA is for the protection of its citizens. Sorry, but I believe the people I hire (by election), who are paid out of MY tax money are obligated to - first and foremost - protect and defend their constituents.
    In that time, and in those circumstances, and in spite of the hardships on Otto Frank and millions of others, the US and Cuba did what was in the best interests of their citizens. Sorry, but I don't think you can make me see this differently.

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