    I'm a 1960s 1970s man, I'm put into a certain kind of "bracket" these days............

    Persnally I really don't give a F$%k about the PC brigade, just wondering about how all my friends on AqaQa think, am I a DINOSAUR?

    A spade is a spade, and I mean that in the gardening sense.

    +10  Views: 1290 Answers: 10 Posted: 9 years ago

    10 Answers

    I like you just the way you are!


    I feel a song coming on.

    Over here a 'Spade' is more likely to be called a f&*^%ING SHOVEL.

    I'm a 50 s/60s guy myself so what does that make me?


    OLD! But understandable?

    Shovelled a lot of crap, heavy shit!
    terryfossil 1

    One of the better guys Tom..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    I'm a 50s , 60s and 70s self- made woman and proud of it.

    That's a dinosaur phone Roy,,and i prefer the 60's to any other time,,if that puts me in a bracket,fine by me,AND THAT IS A 1964 HOLDEN CAR,and i reckon that is one of the best cars made..and if that puts me in another bracket,fine by me,,you should see the bracket i put other people in,,>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<""""


    That could be our old EH Terry.We sold her 20 years ago to a kid that was going to restore her.We called her Pheobe.

    I don't own a cell phone, or a car, as Ben said, dinosaur is as dinosaur does.

    Yes 1960, those were the days, Rock, Jazz, Blues. Bowling alleys, Hot Dogs, Burgers, Coffee bars, all new inventions/or imports from the USA.  And yes at our age we speak our minds, and if the politically  correct don't like it they can F~# off.





    I'm not a PC kind of man, but I know when to keep my mouth shut, sometimes!

    I'm in the same bracker as you guys, entitled to a Senior Citizen card, so i guess i/we are Senior Citz's. you are right Terry, the old EH is regarded as the best Holden made except for the rust which it was prone too, like all Aussie cars at that time, today plastic does'nt rust.

    I Remember all those old days sitting with the old timers with our billy bongs,listening to the Vinals , on the duke box,


    Hectie, you're only 30 and it's called a juke or jute box. Ha ha . However, I do know what a billy bong is, b/c our music teacher in elementary school explained it to us when she taught us " Waltzing Matilda " Glad you remember vinals, tho '

    'Vinyls' :) ---------- That quite funny, Hec.

    Jute is used to macrame or make burlap. It is the fibrous tubing from the old world plant....has nothing to do with jukeboxes or vinyl records. Dennis, you may be a youngster here, but you have an old soul.

    My era too. It gets to you when your friends start dying, I have lost two in the past year, and now David Bowie has gone.


    Lost a few myself just recently.
    Bowie is a legend,

    I'm still in my 40's! Tee Hee!


    Yeah, maybe, but you hang out with all us old-folks.

    When I run across a friend in mourning, I explain that we've just reached that age. So many, too many. Wouldn't trade my age for anyone's......

    What exactly is that 'bracket' of which you speak? You're still too young to be in any 'bracket'. Of course, I'm speaking from MY bracket. Oops!

    Here's a family photo for you....




    The " won't change " bracket, and I don't care.

    Surely you're more flexible than that!

    Ducky (and ROMEO/ROMEY/ROMEOS, and KOTF/ROMOS), we have brackets at our bowling tournaments, where a small entry fee will get you into a single elimination with random bowlers, all on paper. Some people invest $60 and walk out with over $400 on brackets alone.

    I guess some "brackets" are good! :)

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