    How many of you still have the albums from your youth?

    I've got about a hundred mistreated albums that the value of the jackets is nil.....

    +4  Views: 677 Answers: 7 Posted: 9 years ago

    7 Answers

    Are we talking record albums or picture albums? Record albums we left with the ex. I have a couple pictures from my childhood, a photo album I made while in the military in Japan, and my senior HS yearbook if that counts. 

    About 50 out of 1000s, some were left with my ex and I gave all the "money" ones to charity.

    Not a one. When my first husband and I split the sheets I took to long to retrieve my albums from his mother's storage room so he sold most of them to support his drug habit at the time. The rest of my albums I eventually trashed because they were damaged from moving so many times over the years and I had no place to keep them.


    I've moved umpteen times since I started collecting, even went homeless for two years but I always had a place for my records. That is NOT to say I kept them in good shape......
    country bumpkin

    I answered a question recently where I mentioned I had moved at least 30 plus times in my life but since than I have thought of more houses which adds up to at least 50. Sad really when I think about it. I tried to keep up with all my stuff including my records, but what few I had left over (about 10) after my ex husband sold most of them were warped due to being placed in a hot storage room (where I thought they would be protected) so since I couldn't play them and they had lost all their value I saw no reason to keep the excess baggage.

    Of course I do, all waiting to be transferred to CDs via my radio/cassette/phonograph/CD player/recorder (did you ever see so many slashes in one sentence?).  I would have more if my sister and nephew had followed the court orders they agreed to an given me my parents' albums to record and return, which included some good kids' stuff I'd like to have shared with my grandchildren.  Contemptible people in contempt of court.   


    Sad really.

    I certainly am, to still be carrying resentment towards them Pathetic, actually. It is something I struggle with when something triggers the reminder. Happy the day I have put the bad feelings behind me.

    Bad feelings are a part of life, we all have them for someone or something, rise above them and forgive yourself for even thinking about them

    I used to give myself an amount of time to be pi**y and whiny about whatever huge disappointment was taking time away from living. It really did help, as when the timer went off (yes, I actually used a timer), that signaled me to move on with my day and not dwell on the muck for the rest of the day. (It worked)

    A coupla photos from my 20's,really should have thrown them away,,however they do serve to remind me how far i have come,,>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    Have the Beatles original  " white album " with the raised letters, which I heard is a collector's item. Have quite a few albums from the 60 thru the 80s. Probably most of them are from the late 60s and 70s. Would never get rid of them.


    I am an avid Beatle Fan, personally i think the White Album was the worst they ever produced, i think they just grabbed what ever they had in the archives. --- i still have it. :)

    Yes, I prefer Rubber Soul to the White Album .

    I bought a turntable to play my Albums, 45's and EP's, i had them in a suitcase and large plastic container, and to my surprise they  were all in prestine condition, no scratchers -- it was nostalgic time, no doubt about it, the records do sound better than digital cd's, like Mycatsmom i have The Beatle's White Album along with Sgt. Peppers, A Hard Days Night, Help and Rubber Soul -- CCR Cosmos Factory -- The Wall, an imported American Album of ''Sticky Fingers' and approx. 100 more records, it was great just looking through them all as a lot i did not remember i had them -- i still have the very first album i bought with my pay check, Summer Days and Summer Nights by the Beach Boys, by the way in 60's , Albums were hard to get, it depended on the record companies deciding what we would like, which was a bummer.  :)

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