    Which takes longer? Decorating the tree or packing the ornaments away?

    I have so many that belong in special boxes that have to be matched up that it takes a whole day....

    +5  Views: 734 Answers: 5 Posted: 9 years ago

    5 Answers

    It takes a lot longer for me to decorate a tree than to dissemble it.  I'm sad that I could not bring my ornaments from my Christmas tree with me because I had  a lot of unique/expensive country ornaments : Cowboy boots, covered wagons, barn animals, hand crank beaters, bucket of snowballs, baked cookie sheets, lace snowflakes etc, and homemade cow print on rope and wooden heart garlands etc. So Cute!!  


    I was packing up my ornaments yesterday and got to reflecting as to how old they all were. The youngest is 25 years and considered new…..

    Oh, your Christmas tree ornaments sound unbelievable. I hope you stored them somewhere and one day they can decorate your tree once again.
    Christmas ornaments are sentimental. I have glass ornaments that I have been collecting for years. I can't bring them out as at Christmas time the little ones are kind of dangerous. One year the tree came down and many broke. I wasn't worried about the ornaments nearly as much as I was worried about the kidlets. That is when the glass ornaments were put away. I still receive a few each year. I am saving them for when there is not risk of anyone getting hurt :)

    As I said in a previous post I don't have that chore.My tree remains up and decorated , covered up and stored away.

    country bumpkin

    HA! The last couple of years I had my Christmas tree I seriously thought about placing big plastic bags over it instead of the hassle of taking it all down. Great idea.

    That is insanely efficient and I think I have just realized how a friend of mine does it... she has three trees to dazzle the neighbours and friends. One of them has action bubbles.

    If I had to put the lights on the tree, there would be no doubt putting it UP takes more time. They are both time-consuming, but I think UP takes more time, because of deciding where each one will go and moving them around sometimes to make everything fit.  Putting them away is not a chore, as I enjoy wrapping them in tissue paper and nestling them in their boxes until next year, remembering the trips were many were purchased, the hours spent making the oldest ones for my first tree (1975), and the ones my sons made when they were kids.  Ah, Christmas, the best time of the year for many reasons.

    Decorating the tree and everything else takes way longer..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    decorating plus it's more fun.

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