    Everybody collects something. How many of whatever do you possess?

    I collect jiggers now days. I have over sixty but must admit the collection was started by someone else .....

    +3  Views: 537 Answers: 4 Posted: 9 years ago

    4 Answers

    14 Antique tractors all John Deere, 6 antique oil  lamps. 8 antique oil lanterns. 12 antique hand plane's. Hummm gotta be something else. Oh yea antique truck flares, several. Still thinking.

    I've no idea how many, but I collect figurines of frogs.  My mom always brought me at least one from her travels, so many have sentimental value. My favorite is a ceramic 2-piece; a baby grand piano and a frog sitting on the piano bench, "hands" raised in position to play.  The bench scoots right up to the keys.  From Vermont, if I remember right....

    I Collect dirty old pound notes or doller bills,if anyone has any send them to

    Up until last year i collected ,Car ,boat and trailer registration stickers,,alas no more,as we do not get stickers for the car anymore.>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..Image result for car registration stickers photos

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