    Who is your favorite relative? Why?

    Brothers don't count? Okay, I have a favorite aunt (though staunch republican) that is great for commiseratoring and making me laugh.....

    +5  Views: 679 Answers: 4 Posted: 9 years ago

    4 Answers

    Dad's cousin (Uncle) Bob was my favorite relative.  He had a sense of humor, was humble and hard-working, honest, fun-loving, a good provider, great listener, and never played favorites.  He also told my uncle to shut up and go away when he became belligerent and obnoxious at my dad's funeral.
    RIP, Cousin Bob.  You are still loved and never forgotten


    country bumpkin

    I know you use Bob since most people can't spell Phyllis, but did you choose the name Bob because he was your favorite uncle?

    No, CB, but I wish I could say yes.

    My crazy Aunt Laura has to be my favorite since we are only 4 years apart and grew up together.

    Laura is a complete nutter and she drives me crazy because she never shuts up.  I bought her a T-shirt that said, " I'M TALKING AND I CAN'T SHUT UP"!  We still laugh about that shirt.  No one has ever made me laugh as much as my aunt. 

    Max! (pictured to the left) My kids always say I love him best. Non-child, human relative would be my sister whom I call every Sunday at 7 pm.

    My Grandfather on my mothers side,,he was a hard working man with principles and morals you do not see very much of these days,,it is a pity i did not learn more from him..>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

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