10 Answers
Yes, had a car stolen. Police found it 3 days later with damage to the front end.Sheepskin seat covers were stolen from it and in them days I had music on cassette tapes, all of which were took.
9 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
I had a caravan stolen back in the 90s, it was taken from a locked compound. The police found it on a gypsy camp on the outskirts of London. we got it back although it was in a filthy damaged condition by then. They were taken to court, but got away with it, they just said they bought it from another unknown gypsy. I also had some stock stolen by one of my employees, when I had a small business, he had been a friend for about 15 years as well as an employee, that was the most hurtful part. I sacked him , I had no choice I had to set an example to my two sons , they both worked with me at the time. The annoying thing was, if he had asked for the stuff I would have given it to him.
9 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
Yes, I had my car stolen. He (teenaged boy), raced through a school yard, scraped by the back stop on the baseball diamond, slid into a ditch and tried to 'rock it' out. I took the car in for repairs. All fixed up and covered by insurance. Two weeks later....the transmission blew. "Most likely caused by the 'rocking' but, sorry, no longer covered by insurance". What happened to the teenager? Not a thing. (Witnesses pretty sure they knew who they saw behind the wheel...always in trouble...known to police.) Ho hum....
9 years ago. Rating: 7 | |

I was with my mother when she got robbed at the entrance of a store in Rockford, Ill..He came up behind her and grabbed her purse so hard, it broke the handle off in her hand. ( She must have had a right grip on it ) It fell on the ground and I grabbed her from behind to keep him from throwing her to the ground. He and I came eye to eye and he grabbed it up and ran fast for a fat guy . She was in her 80s then .
9 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
Replacing all those personal things is a daunting chore. My wedding rings were stolen in the first robbery. The engagement ring was my husband's grandmother's, which fit just right. Losing my jewelry was the hardest, not that anything had tremendous value, though there were some nice pieces, but they all (yep, all) had sentimental value. Such a violation...
Roy and I were robbed last month, we had bath towels stolen off our veranda. We live on the third floor so it was obvious that the person who stole them lived in the flat next to us because our verandas are side by side (share the same wall) and there is a two foot space where the wall ends and only 3 or 4 foot railing exists. That low life crook had to climb over the railing to steal our towels. This is the same guy who I caught red handed trying to peel a cute sticker off our front door the day before our towels went missing.
The towels were stolen on Tuesday night and after giving him the opportunity to return them, we went to the police station Thursday morning and gave the information to the clerk at the front desk. We had an appointment to go back on Saturday to file an official complaint, but the scumbag was evicted from his flat Thursday night so Roy called the police station and cancelled our appointment.
A couple of days after the scumbag was evicted, his picture showed up on Facebook because he and his roommate were caught on camera stealing several items from a local shop.
Apparently the hoodlums were evicted from the flat for destroying it, they lived there for two weeks.
9 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
Unfortunately i have been burgled three times at three different places, all three electrical equipment stolen, my last place the buggers took my racing bike (cycle), the insurance would not cover it because i lived in a unit, what a con, that was the last of my racing days, at the time i could not afford $1500 to replace it. :)
9 years ago. Rating: 4 | |