    What do YOU think?



    +7  Views: 734 Answers: 10 Posted: 9 years ago

    What do YOU think?

    Me? On here? I love the way he is being presented as a doddering, old and blinded man. We all know he’s rich beyond measure I would guess and powerful as all get out. He has cunning lawyers….. Oh, I think he’s guilty and I don’t think all the women would have slept with him whatever. He got kicks out of drugging the girls……...

    I think you are very on point.....he got a kick out of drugging them, for sure.

    10 Answers

    Quite a few "big" Stars have been caught here in the UK on retrospective offences, a few of them I was surprised about and a few of them I always thought there was "something" about them, lots of women come out of the woodwork when news of their offences comes out, almost ALL of these women say they were scared to say anything because they thought nobody would believe them and the few that DID say something said that no one believed them (go figure), I have always believed that.....................................................



    You can have smoke without fire

    Count on you to make a contradictory statement and back it up with wind, mcm.

    I've read a lot of comments from "people in general" who defend Mr. Cosby and crucify the women who have come out and pointed fingers at him.
    I see fault on both sides, but "the girls" won't be prosecuted for being gold-diggers who would have likely had sex with Dr. Huxtable if he'd just asked, AND no penalty to them for participating in an adulterous relationship (consenting or not).
    My heart goes out to MRS. Cosby, for having to endure the pain of her husband being arrested as well as the humiliation and shame that often comes in having a spouse who is prone to infidelity.

    As for Bill, if he's convicted, he'll need to do the time.


    Is nice of you to consider Camille but she's set up well and living high. This isn't news for her.....

    I agree jh. It's probably the same old celebrity wife song..."Stand by your man...." (and turn a blind eye.) With a history like his, over decades, and she being his business manager, it's hard to believe that she never heard a whisper....

    Very true, ladies; however you want to look at it, it sucks to be her. On the one hand, she could have been the unknowing, faithful wife, making her pathetic. On the other hand, she could have known all along, which makes her behavior (ignoring it for decades) as deplorable as his. Bottom line, sucks to be her.

    Yes and if she wasn't stressed before by his behavior (questioned or ignored), she will now have stress for the rest of her life. :(

    Oh, she's known all along . She is also living large, flies on a whim, and has crepe suzette for breakfast......

    He's fashion conscious! His sweater matches his face. :)


    He looks like a snow storm to me. :D

    Yeah....both so grey and so sad. Poor Bill.

    I really don't know Julie.I guess we'll all just have to leave it to the justice system.

    Fifty women....50! They are all liars? They all want money? They all want to bring Bill Cosby down? There is a conspiracy to "get him"? Oh puleeze. Is this rocket science? Add to that his millionaire defense team and how they are already re-making his image? Suddenly, he is disheveled, wearing a beard that looks as though it was combed from the bottom up, half blind, walking with a cane, and wearing the least flattering  (grey)colored sweater they could find. Only months ago, they were showing videos of Cosby's Comedy Tour, as he trotted across the stage, proudly declaring his lack of concern over 'false accusations' blindness, no cane, no bland colors and no scruffy beard. Amazing how he has become so incapacitated so quickly.

    The NOSE KNOWS! If only it could talk!

    I, like a lot of people would say,where there is smoke there is fire,,i guess (innocent till proven guilty) comes to mind,,i will say a lot of women seem to have had a beer and a biscuit with him..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    I have no idea if he is guilty or not, the old adage has come into play, 'When your down everyone  wants to put the boots in.'


    So, poor Bill?

    He played , now he pays. Hope he dies broke.


    I usually agree with you and the blunt way you put things. This is one of those times.

    I think he looks like h***,and too much time has gone by for them to prosecute.

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