    Ways to cheer David up....

    David fell and broke his hip. Now he's in a nursing home for physical therapy and skilled nursing. The goal is to get him to be able to come home. But, geez, louise! It's a nursing home! What are some ideas for me to keep David's spirits up? I gave him a Kindle Fire but still he gets bored. What can I do?

    +4  Views: 739 Answers: 3 Posted: 9 years ago

    3 Answers

    Magazine (People or Playboy?).  PL has great suggestions.  I don't know much about his coordination or mobility, but those new coloring books that have mandalas will keep him occupied for hours.  Get a nice set of colored pencils to go with it.  (( will give you an idea what I'm talking about. 
    "1000 Aces" is a simple and fun dice game.  You need 6 dice.  If you want the "rules", let me know and I'll email you. 

    Can you put some solitaire games on the Kindle, or slot machine? 


    Yes on the Fire games. He only has the one arm......

    I hope you look for things that will stimulate him intellectually. From what you've told me about him, he might benefit from more brain strain....might make him more prone to get his body working as best it can. Maybe sign him up for an online class!!!

    A deck of cards, crossword book, word search book.Does he have a Discman ?


    He only has one usable arm.....

    An i PAD.  :)


    That's what a Kindle Fire is. But thanks, great idea!

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