7 Answers
Uh, I still write checks....very hesitant to do any banking on the Internet. So, far, no 2015's.
And I sign them in cursive.
8 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
Cursive? Stop confusing people. Print! lol
Oh yes. Kids no longer need it, according to some educators who boldly state that what kids really need, is advanced computer skills. Those who wish to keep it, say that the very skill and persistence needed to learn cursive, is more valuable than any kind of computer learning. In any case, it is no longer a compulsory subject and rarely taught in most schools in Canada. :(
Well, Ducky, I think a heckuva lot more time needs to be taken in class to make sure students learn to at least PRINT legibly, and I still think handwriting gives a better personal identification to documents. When my sons were learning to print, the schools were using D'nealian, which is about as close to cursive as you can get and still be printing. I started using it, too, so my sons would see the concept repeated at home, and I "supervised" their homework to make sure they were starting in the right spot and going in the right direction. Really, if the teachers go back to D'nealian handwriting, it is NOT a huge leap to write cursive. I'm with you; it's a mistake to abandon handwriting. (Of course, not being elected officials, we don't know much, do we)
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