5 Answers
I read instructions in order to put something together, like a book shelf or a recipe. I read for enjoyment, like a novel or non-fiction story, poetry. I read for knowledge, such as a newspaper or magazine article. I read to engage my imagination (as in Harry Potter). I read my textbooks in order to gain the knowledge I need to succeed in my classes. I read to my grandchildren to stimulate their desire to read, and because I love to read aloud to children. I read to share ideas with others who are also reading what I am reading - as in a book group or Bible study.
9 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
I do not read anything serious,i read the sports section of the weekend paper,,and sometimes the bible,,and that is it..>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..
9 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
Well, terry, the Bible is rather serious (not "fluff" for most of us who endeavor to read it), but I think I understand what you mean.
Sorry Bob, i did not mean to belittle the Bible,,i would in no way ever do that..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..
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