    When do you take down your Christmas tree?

    Mine is still up and it's been a long weekend. For shame!

    +4  Views: 555 Answers: 7 Posted: 9 years ago

    7 Answers

    Still up...late putting it up...late taking it down. I hope I'm not running behind schedule all year.     :)


    just enjoy it, Ducky. My granddaughter is here; I'm going to turn on the tree lights for us! :D

    Nice. :)

    My tree will be up until after the 6th, which is "Armenian" Christmas, and also "Mexican" Christmas (and probably other ethnic Christmases as well).  My tree seems especially pretty this year and I enjoy the soft white lights and all the ornaments that my children have made, and that I have made and collected over the past 42 years of having "my own tree". 

    4 days ago,took them all down and packed them away till next year..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    .......when the spirit moves me .

    my preference is valentine's day, feb. 14, but sometimes i take it down before, maybe the 2nd week of january. i call people like me die hards. and when i drive around my neighborhood i see a few like me, tree up and lights on.


    You're cute.....

    I'm with you, tabber. Once I left my "live" tree up until almost Valentine's Day. It was so brittle, though. I've often thought of having a small artificial tree (maybe 3-4 feet) and having it up year round, changing the ornaments to fit the season or upcoming holiday. Honestly, I think I already have enough stuff to decorate a tree for just about anything!

    I believe it was January 1st 2003.

    The Day after New Year, along with all the fairy lights inside and out. :)

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