13 Answers
9 years ago. Rating: 12 | |

9 years ago. Rating: 7 | |

(That can encompass so much...kind of like wishing for 3 more wishes)
What is YOUR word, pythonlover?
9 years ago. Rating: 6 | |

Rather like being an optimistic as opposed to being a pessimistic in which I am good at.
Grease is the word.........
9 years ago. Rating: 5 | |

dualism |?d(y)o?o??liz?m| noun 1 the division of something conceptually into two opposed or contrasted aspects, or the state of being so divided: a dualism between man and nature. • Philosophy a theory or system of thought that regards a domain of reality in terms of two independent principles, especially mind and matter (Cartesian dualism). Compare with idealism, materialism, and monism. • the religious doctrine that the universe contains opposed powers of good and evil, especially seen as balanced equals. • in Christian theology, the heresy that in the incarnate Christ there were two coexisting persons, human and divine. 2 the quality or condition of being dual; duality.
Dualism is the illusion we have been taught that fortifies existence as mutually opposing forces...but the fact is, oppositely charged particles join and exist as a higher ordered form while particles that are charged the same repel.
9 years ago. Rating: 3 | |