    Strange but trure,Doctor called,Diagnosed,left about 10-30pm.turned on T/V,named of film,is what the Doctor diaganosed,but said to be cureable,

    +3  Views: 929 Answers: 6 Posted: 9 years ago

    6 Answers


    Im,not green though yet,C/B,

    What ya talkin about Dougal?

    Hope all is OK?


    Yea it was just so odd though,Kim Novac,

    What feckin channel are you watching?

    Not sure what channel ,The girl turned it on i have sky Ted,

    I'm a Virgin Dougal, different numbers.

    Kim Novac and James Strewart,??climbing??

    Seen it many times.

    Yes my balance is not good,Doctor said inbalance due to chemical inbalance in ears,to attend exocises to get it right,feelings a lot like Vertigo

    Syringe sounds good (no pun intended).

    My sister has Meiniers disease. She has vertigo and can not fly or drive any more, it makes very ill at times. Vertigo is not good! Hope you are ok!


    He has arrange for me to have exosies hope it will not stop my driving,thanks is only when i stand up at the moment,hope you are not to bad now ,

    Thank you! I'm handling it! Please get well!

    Horrible feeling.  Sometimes I'll get dizzy when I lay completely flat on the floor (trying to stretch my hunched shoulder and aching back).  Turn my head and then the room spins.

    Follow the Doc's instructions and get well soon.  What a coincidence to be diagnosed with Vertigo and then go home and watch it on TV!!


    The Doctor came to my house,from a 111,call,but i did not think it was connected with the ears though,

    Scary, hector...are you healing from the melanoma surgery?

    Thst was very odd Bob,The hospital look at it photograph it.then i had to wait a month,it got bigger more stinging,then the day i went to the hospital in sept,it fell of the night before,leaving the sugons puzzle and me releave,they still toke a sample,and got a letter nothing untowards found,?????

    That's incredible, and I'm happy and relieved.

    Hey Hec,i had vertigo a few years back,,caused from an inner ear infection,,bugger of a thing,,i could only lay on my left side,if i sat up i would start throwing up,and if i tried to stand up i would fall over,,the doctor gave me an injection to stop me throwing up,,but i had to stay laying down for about 3 days,,then i would start slowly walking around,,all up i had about 7 day's off work..however i believe there are different types of vertigo,i am sure your doctor will check it out..have a read of this mate.. >>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    I had a few weeks bad like that about a year ago Dennis,  it was like someone  pushing me when I got up in the mornings mainly,  it knocked me back on the bed, I was also giddy when I stood  up sometimes. My doctor said  it was high blood pressure,  he put me on more tablets, and it got a lot better, still get it a little bit, but I can live with that. I think it's  all part of becoming an old git . Hope you soon feel better Dennis, do what the doc tells you, they know best.


    Yea i crash out in the toilet,knocked eveything flying Dave,Doctor said it was somthing called ,Brandt Daropt,but its only when i stand up.

    Oh yea brandy droop, I've had that too.

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