    We have to have our old dog put down tomorrow, my man does not want to be there but I think he should have one of his people with him. What do I do?


    +7  Views: 783 Answers: 9 Posted: 9 years ago

    Thanks, I will stay with my buddy and hold his paw! It will grieve me , But I will do it!

    Thanks again! I'll talk to you all in a couple days! ♥♥

    I stayed with our dog and held him all the way out! They were very compassionate and caring! We will miss our buddy very much! Thanks for all your support for this!

    9 Answers

    Oh my gosh Clu, the person who is closet to your dog (in your dogs eyes) must be there no matter how heartbreaking it is and how hard it is to deal with it. This is the end of life for a family pet that has only known his masters here on earth so he should leave this world as reassured and comfortable as possible with his master hugging him and comforting him as he crosses that rainbow bridge. 

     I know this is devastating for both of you but you will eventually regret not being there to send your pet off to the other side clu. This will turn out to be a rare blessing so please be there in your pets final moments to say the last farewell.

    So sorry to hear that Clu,Do what you think is right,my thoughts are with you and your dog and yours,I know he must have had some wonderful years with you,

    Go, clu and rag on your man to go with you. You can't take not going back. You will be so, so sorry if you don't....

    So difficult to lose a pet. My sympathies to you clu but I don't know what advice to give. Whatever you decide, will be right for you.         :(

    Sorry to hear that Clu. Some people can't bear the sadness to be involved.Thank your dog for being a beautiful friend and say your good byes.Best to get it over and done with without a fuss.

    Yep. Ya gotta be there.It's a sad experience Lu.I thought I was tough,but When Ole Pip had to go I was a bit teary. Good luck with it.Sorry.

    People deal with death in different ways ... he does need to say his goodbyes though and making you carry this task alone doesn't seem fair at all ... I said goodbye to my old boy 17 yr old gold retriever named Steely Dan dog... I held his paw and thanked him profusely for being my dog and companion and protector for so long ... but his big old heart didn't stop beating until I took my hand away... then this crown of spinning golden orbs came up off his head and set on my head before taking off through the ceiling ... myself and four others saw this happen... it was amazing. I can't explain it. The vet and his assistants were weeping when they saw this ... as was I and the big burly biker who drove us there in his tow truck ... with the lights going ... I'll never forget it.

    Be at peace with this decision knowing it is filled with merciful LOVE clu.

    My deep felt condolences honey.

    So sorry clu, you need to be there, you will  feel better for being with him afterwards. Remember all the good times you had with him.

    Be there.

    A guy on Project Runway left the show to be with his dog when the pet became so ill, he needed to be put down. Walked away from a chance to win $300,000 in cash, stuff, and becoming a top fashion designer.

    I doubt he will ever regret that decision.  I wouldn't. 

    My heartfelt sympathy to you. It's a tough thing to do, and no one but our pets deserve it more.  Take kleenex.

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