4 Answers
Id just hope the smoke did no harm to my singing voice,
9 years ago. Rating: 7 | |

What would I grab going by what I brought with me to the UK and what items Roy has that mean a great deal to me are in no particular order: Roy's small case of pictures which includes pictures of Roy, his dad and his mom. He has some very interesting pictures, my little black book which includes addresses, birthdays, and a poem my mom wrote about Roy and me, my grandmother's glass cake stand she wanted me to have when she died, my original birth certificate with my biological dads name on it, a wooden cross necklace, my best friends shirt who died that I gave to her on her birthday and my favorite maternity shirt handmade when I was pregnant.
9 years ago. Rating: 6 | |

When I was younger and had a 3 month old daughter our home burned and the only thing I grabbed was the baby! My husband was at work and there was a terrible blizzard at the time! Everything burned except silverware! It was devasting and since then I have never slept allnight! That was in Feb, 1965!
The smell, the fear, You could not even believe it! Still freaks me out if I smell any thing at night!
9 years ago. Rating: 6 | |