5 Answers
Our weather was late too. We had a green Christmas, about an inch of snow a couple of days ago and today (Dec. 29)......we have about one foot of the white stuff, which fell over night. The plows are out in full force and the sky is now blue. I hate to even admit it, but it looks pretty with the sun shining on it. :)
9 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
Jules I just drove 6 and a half hours back and forth thru Malahat Mtn pass in a major monsoon that became a blizzardly oceanic squall that came inland... visibility was shot to h3ll !My daughters were amazed ... my policy is to just "KEEP IT BETWEEN THE LINES"!!!
9 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
[So THAT'S what those white hairs are from...lol ]
My hand was gripped in a claw after from hanging on to the wheel so tightly! Once we got barfed out the other side of the pass I was whooping and thanking the powers that be lemme tell ya !! Wooo hooo!
UK weather ain't so good either! :))
9 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
We had a white Christmas in Fresno, til the frost melted! I chipped the ice off the picnic table and put the gifts Santa brought (he doesn't have time to wrap them) there, wrapped in some plastic to keep them dry. Big surprise for the children!
No more rain for us til 2016, according to weather reports. Weather will soar into the 50's
9 years ago. Rating: 3 | |

P.S. That Santa sure is busy at this time of year, isn't he? :)